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Persephone, save me

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Persephone, save me. This cannot be happening right now.

Cane wants me to...I can't even—I don't even know if I can put it into words. How could he even think for a fucking second that I'd want to do this? That I'd ever even entertain the notion?

Me. Kill Elias.

Destroy the other half of my soul.

No matter how mad I am at him, no matter if I think he should've found me by now, or if I'm convinced he's given up on finding me, I could never ever take his life. What the fuck is Cane thinking? I told him once I could never kill him. What makes him think I could kill the man I was in love with...may still be in love with?

I couldn't eat another bite after Cane told me his ludicrous plan, but I had to pretend everything was okay and that I wasn't 100% horrified by what he'd just proposed. I was nervous enough when he said he wanted to give me the world. I had no idea he was that serious about me. That he'd want me here with him forever.

It turns out he doesn't. He's using me to get to Elias. That's what it's been all along. Does he think I'm stupid or something? That I don't see that? For fuck's sake, I—


I snap out of my thoughts and give him my attention, pretending I had been engrossed in picking at the chocolate cake he'd served me for dessert. The only reason I'm not scared it's poisoned is because I understand now how much he needs me to do his dirty work.


"Are you all right?"

I force a smile and hope I'm a good enough actress to pull this off, at least for now. "Yeah, why?"

He brushes my hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear, and it's all I can do to not recoil from his touch. "I just put a lot on you, and you're taking it all in stride. You're strong, coelhinha, but it would also be human of you to be upset. I mean, just hours ago you were crying over a squirrel."

Fuck, he's right. Pivot, Cordelia. Pivot. "Trust me, I'm freaking out on the inside, but I'm trying to hold it together."

He grips the back of my neck and kisses my forehead. "We don't have to plan this all tonight. You have just dug deep into your powers today. I don't plan on you making a move until you're ready. We will keep honing your powers."

I wonder just how long I can hold him off. I haven't met anyone in my dreams for days now, and I have to get word to Elias somehow. It's not like I can call or even write him a letter. The best way to reach him is in our sleep.

I nod and push away my plate. "Okay. Thank you for dinner, Cane. It was delicious. I'm—" Shit, I can't tell him I'm tired. I just woke up from that long as hell nap. He'll know something is off. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?"

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