What I hated before, I now crave.

I nod once and move toward his bed. "All right then. Which side of the bed would you like me to sleep on?"

"Lady's choice," he says, sweeping his arm in the direction of the bed. "I don't have a side. It's kind of a crash where I may kind of situation."

I crawl onto the side that is closest to the door. It's good to see that a piece of my self-preservation is intact. I slide under the covers as Cane turns off the bathroom light and sits on the other side of the mattress. He glances back at me over his shoulder and releases a heavy sigh.

"What, are you afraid I'll bite?" I ask.

"No. I was just thinking about how quiet your heart went. I really thought I wasn't going to make it in time."

I swallow and turn over to fully face him, tucking my hands under my cheek. "Well, I actually thought I was going to die for a second there. I couldn't breathe, and I had to use almost everything that's left in my one inhaler. And I was so cold."

Cane lays down and turns on his side as well. He leaves plenty of space between us, but it doesn't make this feel any less intimate. I'm sharing a bed with another man when my broken heart still aches for Elias. Maybe I'm ridiculous for feeling the way I do, but I just can't let go.

Before I fall too deep into my depressing thoughts, Cane says, "You didn't have to run from me. I'm offering to train you, Cordelia. You can be stronger than I am and never have to fear anything again, even me."

This time when he offers, I don't hesitate. I don't have a reason to anymore.

"Okay, Cane. I want you to train me."

He lifts his hand and flexes his fingers. Seconds tick by before he takes a breath and glides his fingertips over my cheek, brushing my hair back. "I can't wait to see what you can do."


Damnit. Why am I back out in the snow? This is the last place I want to be right now. Why would Cane bring me back outside to train?

But something is different about this snow. It isn't touching me at all. The flurries are swirling all around me, but it's almost as if I'm in a snowglobe. I'm not even cold.

Oh. Another dream. I wasn't even trying this time. I just wanted a normal night's sleep.


My stomach drops when I hear Elias's voice. Why is he here again? I have nothing left to say.

"Elias, what are you doing here?" I ask without turning around.

"Please look at me, belle rêveur," he pleads, and no matter how angry I am with him, I cannot ignore the desperation in his voice.

I know that desperation because I still feel it in my heart.

I turn to him and repeat, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to get you home, Cordelia," he says, confusion clouding his handsome but exhausted features.

Warmth covers my back as I feel Cane's presence behind me. He places a protective hand on my shoulder, and Elias's gaze hardens on him.

"I swear upon my life, if you hurt her."

Cane gives me a reassuring squeeze and says, "Come now, brother. Let's not throw stones. You had your chance to be honest, to teach her what she needed to know and you didn't."

Elias turns his attention to me, and regret lingers in his brown eyes. "Where are you? Your family is worried. I am worried."

I shake my head. "I don't get you. If you were as concerned as you say you are, you would have found me by now."

"You are in a big realm. I don't know every corner of Aevum. You can't expect me to just know."

"She is right, Elias. If you want her back so badly, come and find her."

The hatred that Elias shows toward Cane sends a shudder through me. I've never seen him so angry. It's the type of rage that leads to murder, something that he has already attempted with Cane.

I step back toward his twin. It's such a miniscule movement, but Elias notices. So does Cane, because he slides his hand all the way across my front from one shoulder to the other, pulling me back against his chest in a protective, almost dominating position that I don't hate.

"Cordelia, please reconsider what you're doing," Elias implores, and I don't miss the hint of jealousy in his tone.

I shake my head. "All I'm doing is learning who I really am and what I'm capable of. That's it."

He holds out his hand to me. "I can teach you that. I will get Lorelai to help. She's better equipped than both Cane and—"

"I don't trust you to show me. You had your chance and all you did was teach me how to keep people out, something that doesn't seem to work with you."

"It looks like the lady has made her decision."

Elias nods and drops his hand. "Be careful, Cordelia. And if you ever change your mind, you know how to reach me."

I swallow, tears leaking from the corners of my eyes. "If you ever realize our bond was enough...you can come for me. I may still be here. But I can't wait forever, herra."

Elias's jaw drops and his eyes grow wide. "That's not—"

"You heard her. If the bond is as strong as it should be, you will find her."

Cane turns me and tucks me against his side. As we walk away, he glances back at his brother. They clearly have some kind of dick measuring contest going on. That's between them.

What lingers betweenme and Elias is his true desire to get me back. 


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