I swallow and meet my dad's eyes. "I—I don't even know where to start with those feelings, Dad. Of course I want to come back. I miss you and Mom. And Elias, he...I love him. Or at least, I think I do. He lied to me, so I'm pretty pissed at him right now, but...I don't want to give up on us. And as far as Cane goes...yeah. They're twins, so I'm bonded to both of them. But I just don't think there is any way I could feel that way for Cane. He stole me."


My dad's question is so simple, yet so fucking complicated.

I hold up my hands. "I am still not 100% sure. He says it was because Elias hadn't told me the whole truth about our bond, and he wanted me to have a chance to choose for myself...to process everything."

"Why does he feel you need time with him to process?"

"Another good question I don't know the answer to."

The analytical accountant look sets firm on my dad's face. He loves me and my mom very much and he isn't afraid to express it, but he is also a rational thinker. Everything equates to something.

"Don't trust him, Cordelia." His image blurs at the edges and I know our connection is rapidly growing weak. "If you aren't getting straight answers from him, it is because he has something to hide. Play it smart until we can find you."

I bat away my tears with the back of my hand. "Okay. I will. I love you."

"I love you too, baby girl."

He fades out of my dream and I force myself away. I don't want to linger in the space I shared with him. It hurts too much when I don't know when I'll see him again.


After my dream with my father, I knew I had to leave sooner rather than later. Nothing good could come of me hanging around any longer. I was already coming to understand Cane better than I had before, and that was dangerous territory. Understanding led to friendship. And friendship could lead to who knows where.

It's time to go. He's let down his guard enough around me that I've been able to wander around the house and the grounds of the mansion, and that coupled with all the questions I've asked Ruth about the mountain and how far away the village is...I have a plan to at least get down there on my own and then...well, I'm going to just keep going until I find the first sign of civilization. According to Ruth, it isn't that far. Not as far as Cane made it out to be. I'm determined enough to get out of here and get back home to my parents; I'll do anything at this point.

I'm standing in front of my closet, trying to decide what to pack. I don't want to take much of the stuff I bought with Cane's money. First of all, I don't have space in my backpack. Second of all, it wouldn't be right. I bought all of that to get under his skin, not to take from under his nose. I will leave Ruth a note to let her know to take as much of it as she wants for herself and to share it with anyone in the village. And if it's possible to return anything, maybe they can do that too.

I only take what's necessary—a coat, hat, gloves, a couple changes of clothes, and a few books, including Cane's that could help me with my powers. I know they're probably antiques or something, but I need all the help I can get. I even leave my e-reader, packed with love stories about every imaginable type of creature, behind. No sense in taking it when I won't be able to charge it for who knows how long. I also pack my one inhaler that luckily still has enough medicine in it for a couple more doses.

I stow my bag under my bed until it's time to leave. I don't want to tip Cane off in case he wanders into my room as he's tended to do the past couple nights.

A soft knock sounds at my door and I nod once. Just like he's doing right now.

Kicking the bag all the way under the bed, I hop onto my mattress and grab my Kindle, propping my back against the headboard. "Come in," I call.

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