"He makes no sense. Why play dumb with you? He knows what the bond is and how it works. It is as common in our realm as marriage is in the human. Maybe he didn't have his excuses lined up for those questions. Maybe he thought you would still be in the dark about things and was hoping that would play in his favor."

She shifts and props her head on her arms so she's looking at me with one eye. "You really think he'd do that to me? Even after everything? Continue lying to me? Why would he do that? He said he—" Her voice breaks. "He said he misses me so much and all he's done is look for me."

"What he says and doesn't say can't be trusted. I can look you in the eyes and tell you I turn into a bat at night and love wearing capes, but you see the truth. It is easier for him to manipulate you now that he doesn't have to show you everything all the time."

Cordelia's eyes flutter closed and she stays quiet for so long that I think she's fallen back to sleep, but when she speaks again, it's to ask me a question. "Why have you been so honest with me about everything? From what I can do with my power to the truth about what the bonds mean? What's your endgame?" She sits up so she can look me in the eyes, and I have to work to focus on everything but the skimpy satin pajamas she's wearing.

"Why hide what you are from you? You were created to be one of the most powerful creatures in our realm. Why wouldn't I want that for you? It would be like denying me blood. I want you to experience your power, to love it as a part of you."

"But why do you care? Why do you care about my feelings? I don't understand. It can't be just because of the bond, because clearly, Elias didn't tell me, and we're bonded too. I'm just trying to really understand, Cane."

I lean in, placing my face in her line of sight. Her heart hammers and the heat coming from her is tempting. I want to know what it would feel like skin to skin. But I'm not here to sedate my carnal cravings. My soul bonded is looking for answers, and I'm happy to give them to her.

"Because I know what it is like to be betrayed by Elias. I once felt safe with him too. Then he committed the ultimate sin against his brother. I mourned that loss, until that hurt turned to rage, and rage became a need for vengeance. No one in this realm or the human knows your pain better than I do, Delia."

Realization flashes through her eyes, and just as quickly, it's gone. She doesn't want to admit that her beloved Elias might be just as guilty as I am in terms of betrayal and selfish motivation.

That's okay. She'll see eventually. This is just the beginning of the end for her and my dear brother.

When she speaks, her eyes finally meet mine again, and the sadness in them actually makes me feel sick, and I don't think I could explain why if you held a stake to my heart.

"I just can't believe it's turned out this way. That this is my life right now," she murmurs, holding her hands out, palms up in her lap, resting on her crossed legs.

"I hope that's more about learning what you are and not about Elias. You shouldn't be sitting here crying over him. He should be the last thing from your mind. You are powerful, Cordelia. And you are just scratching the surface of what you are capable of. That needs to be your focus, not wondering why my brother is an asshole."

Her shoulders slump and she exhales a shaky breath. "But I am crying over him. I guess that makes me weak, but I've never—" She groans and shakes her head, looking away from me. "Never mind. Just—forget it. You don't get it. And it's fine, I don't need you to get it. But I do need help with understanding what I am capable of. Because that, I don't know either. And I don't know how the fuck to figure it out or where to even start."

"You can start with me. For all anybody knows, the Dreamwalkers have all but gone extinct. They went into hiding decades ago. Some went to the human realm where their magic would be dampened, and others disengaged from supe society. You won't find anyone who can truly help you, but I will try my best."

Cordelia shifts on the bed and runs her hand through her hair. The news of her kind seems to hit her hard. I don't blame her. As a creature who is made, I understand how important it is to have someone guide you through this life. Cordelia doesn't have to do this alone, but she does have to accept my help.

"How do you know I won't become all-powerful and just run away from you?" she asks, and it's honestly hard to tell if she's joking or being serious.

I shrug. "I hope you become that powerful, and while we are working on that, I'm going to work my hardest to charm the hell out of you."

"I don't know if that's a selling point," she glances up at me with a shy smile. "But I'll consider it."

The mattress shifts as I stand. When I took Cordelia, I knew it wouldn't be easy wiggling my way in with her. Even our bond hasn't been enough to make her forget about her heartache. Getting her to trust me will be a process, one I plan on seeing through.

"I can't ask for more than that," I say. "Try to get some sleep, and if you need me, you know where to find me."

"Thanks, Cane."

Such a simple statement, but it is a crack in her defenses. That's all I need to burst through her walls and have my chance with her.

 That's all I need to burst through her walls and have my chance with her

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