#14: In Which It's A Normal Friday

Start from the beginning

"Lloyd! Y/n! You two had better get going if you're going to make it!" Lloyd's mom called out from the hall. "It's already two!"

Slipping out of his grasp, you flipped him off, and walked to the living room. Grabbing your sweater, you smiled to KoKo, slipping your sandals on. "Hey Ms. G." You sighed, sitting down at the table. "Sorry for sleeping in so long." Laughing, you took the water jug, pouring a glass for yourself.

She shook her head, brushing her hair gently. "It's fine, don't worry about it. It's not like you're messing up my day." You knew for a fact you had messed up her day, as much as she insisted otherwise. She was supposed to be at the laundromat right now.

Grabbing a bowl of super sugary cereal that had been laid out on the table, you started happily munching as Lloyd stumbled out of his room. He tripped over the couch, pummeling face first into the ground. You couldn't just sit here and not laugh, right?

"The Green Ninja everybody.." KoKo sighed, moving to help him up even though he waved his hand in an 'im fine' manner. He hadn't slept for most of the night. You kept waking up to see him staring at the ceiling. You had almost been tempted to ask him what he was thinking about.

Placing the now empty bowl into the sink, you stretched, readjusting your clothes from yesterday. "Ready, Green?" You questioned, during to the blond.

He yawned, grabbing one of his chocolate granola bars, wrapping an arm around your waist. "Yup.. See you, mom!"

You followed him outside, furring your brow as he almost walked into a street sign, or almost fell into a pile of garbage bags. You hadn't noticed it earlier, but his hand you were currently helping him steer with, was super warm.

Once you'd stopped on the sidewalk, on line for the diner. Usually this diner was much less popular, but it came out with a new milkshake flavor today -what they were known for here- and all their old customers returned to check it out. Breaking the comfortable quietness, you glanced up at him. "Are you okay?"

He sniffled, but smiled, shaking his head. "I'm fine, let's enjoy this day."

"You know, if you are feeling sick, I'd settle for just watching movies at home with you." You assured, holding his hand up, tracing his knuckles.

Rolling his eyes, he stepped forward, filling the space left by the people in front of you. "I'm fine, really. It's our last day together for a while and we're gonna make the most of it." He held up his fingers in a peace sign when the hostess asked how many people.

You weren't the best at reading expressions, but you guessed she was glancing at Lloyd, and knew he was Green. Perching on your toes, you gave him a quick peck on his cheek, glancing back at the hostess. You wouldn't say you were a jealous person, it was just hard not to be when people still gawked at him an entire year later.

He shrugged his shoulder, playfully bumping you back as he followed the hostess. Sliding into the 2 person booth, he smiled, waving to Mrs. Parker, the owner of the diner, albeit, very tiredly. You had both been regulars far before you had even met, and though you were gone for a solid bit (depression does that to a person), she welcomed you back with open arms.

"Hey you two!" She grinned, pushing up her bright red, cat-eye glasses. "What's my favorite duo doing here? Ah ah- wait, lemme guess, the new shake?" Putting her hand into her checkered apron, she pulled out a small notepad, scribbling on it. "You lovelies want anything to eat?"

Smiling, you shook your head, "We're going for a big dinner later, so we gotta have space. But yeah, a large Power Shake would be great." You glanced at the menu, reading the name.

Lloyd slumped his head on the table, huffing. His hair fell over his arms that he was using as a pillow.

Mrs. Parker crouched down by you, glancing at Green. "He all okay? He looks.. dead."

and in the middle of my chaos there was you // LloydxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now