#10: In Which He Attacks

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Taking a sip of your tea, you shut your locker, and began walking to your first class. It was finally fucking Friday, and you weren't sure how much of this shit hole you could take. Just a week and a half until school was over, and you could enjoy your summer break.

With Green.

The thought made your heart flutter, as thinking of Green had achieved more often recently. You were practically obsessed with him. And.. not quite ashamed of the fact.

It'd been a solid week since he had apologized to you, and things had gotten better. You had spent most nights speaking with him out on the fire escape, and it was starting to become a routine. You had also hung out with Lloyd after school, during library extra help. He.. you weren't exactly sure where you stood with him. And Sally, you'd gone to her house (more like a mansion, she was loaded) and make cookies and had a sleepover. It was.. strange to be doing normal teen things, to say the least.

With a groan, you pulled the door to the gymnasium open. You weren't the most athletic person, but you still tried to engage in class. It was better than any other class where you had to sit and take notes all day. But you still hated having P.E. first period.

You swung your bag into the locker room, heading back out into the gym where the class was filing outside. Following behind, you glanced at the display cases lined with trophies and pictures of sports teams. Maybe you could try out a sport next year.. if there was any ones you were good at.

Glancing up, the class began drifting towards the paved court. Great.. tennis... A team sport.. so fun Maybe if Sally or Lloyd were here it'd be less boring. Or if Green was somehow able to join your gym class... Just someone you got along with and liked being around in your class would be nice.

Picking up one of the worn rackets, you also grabbed a yellow ball, and began practicing along the side of the school. When games actually started you'd be paired up with someone random, which was what you were used to.

You dropped the ball into the air, hitting it into the white brick wall. It bounced over your head, and began to roll across the court. Running to grab it, you watched a hand lean down to pick it up.

"Hey, Y/n, be my partner."

You looked up to see a spikey haired senior tossing your ball in the air. Kai Smith. He.. He's friends with Lloyd, isn't he?

It's not like you were in the position to refuse, you didn't have a partner, and if you said no he'd definitely mention it to Lloyd... Huh. When did you start caring about what Lloyd thought so much? When did he start becoming a deciding factor?

Shrugging, you bit your cheek. "Sure..? Why not."

Once all the teams had been organized, you had finally begun playing. Swinging your racket, the ball messily bounced against it, barely making it over the net. But falling short actually caused the team to slip up.

For once in your life you were winning 4:0. And you had actually contributed to it.

Kai passed the ball to you, making is easy to catch. "You serve, I wanna see how you do that." He grinned, obviously having some lighthearted fun.

You lifted up your racket to the side, and dropped the ball. Swinging to hit it, the racket hit against it, but a sudden alarm caused you to slip up and hit it across the court. Great.

And then you registered the alarm. The V.I.L.L.A. (Villain Invasion Locator Loud Alarm, made by the Teal Ninja) was ringing. Garmadon was here. Running to put your racket and ball away, you followed behind the teacher. Honestly, having gym gave you the best chance at survival if Garmadon were to go in the school. As if.

Quickly walking through the gym, the teacher held the equipment room open, letting everyone file in. Being shoved against other people, you stood on your toes to try and see what was happening.

Hopefully Lloyd was okay- Hopefully Green was okay. Why were you worrying about Lloyd more than your own boyfriend who was literally fighting right now? ... Was Green your boyfriend! Were you even dating? You would eventually- you could talk to him later, he was probably out there fighting already. Why were you so worried about this compared to that?

You glanced around, trying to not feel claustrophobic. Huh, you couldn't see Kai, you were sure his spikey hair would've been visible, but guess not. Or maybe the shitty smell of this many sweaty kids made it wilt.

The building shook, rumbling as shouting sounded through the walls. It was okay. You were okay. But what about Green? Or Sally?

Pressing your lips together, you leaned against the wall, breathing in and out. It'd be okay. You'd be okay.

Lloyd. Was he okay? What class did he have- he was in an ecology lab, doing extra credit.. in the nature classroom.. by the woods, right where Garmadon was spotted. You were one of the only people who knew where he was.

You had to help him.

Watching the retreating figures of his father's army, Lloyd glanced to the red figure that landed behind him

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Watching the retreating figures of his father's army, Lloyd glanced to the red figure that landed behind him. "Everything okay?" He reached under his hood, wiping sweat from his forehead.

Kai nodded, leaning on the slant of the school chimney. "Y/n is in the gym supply closet if you wanted to know, she's safe."

"Uhm.. you sure about that Kai?!" Jay practically yelled through P.I.X.A.L. "Because I'm chasing a certain someone being taken by your dad's goons."

Eyes widening, Lloyd held his hand up to hos ear. "What.? Where is she? Jay, give your position."

"I'm uhm.. I'm by the nature classroom..? The one off of the West Trail."

Why was she at the nature classroom instead of- It was him. She was looking for Lloyd. He had been in his ecology lab, and Y/n was looking for him. Even though she was practically being kidnapped, it made him feel warm that she worried to that length about him.

He launched the grapple out of his sleeve, and hooked it on a tree. Leaping off of the school roof, Lloyd swung through the trees, passing the nature classroom. Through the blurs of bark, he attempted to see anything, her dark red hoodie, her baggy black pants, but nothing. There wasn't any sign of her.

Until someone joined the P.I.X.A.L.

"Lloyd, I have the location of Y/n. She is traveling -presumably- in a motor vehicle, and is halfway across the city already. Fortunately, her tracker is still functional."

Taking a sigh of relief, Lloyd turned back around, swinging into the city. "Zane, you're a lifesaver. Right. What street? And update me if the car stops or is leaving the city. Everyone else, stay back at the school, make sure everyone is safe and no one is injured."

"It appears they are taking back roads, one way streets. They are going to fast to determine an exact street, but they just left Woodsville Lane."

Ignoring the wind cutting at his vision, Lloyd continued on. He had to get her back. And Garmadon couldn't just get away this time.

and in the middle of my chaos there was you // LloydxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now