#11: In Which Both Isn't an Option

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What happened..? You were looking for Lloyd, and.. you forgot everything after that. Wincing at the hand tugging your blindfold off, you squinted in the bright light. "Hmgh?" Your arms and legs were bound by chains around a chair.

In front of you, was the Oni himself. Garmadon. Maybe Lloyd really had sold you out, maybe this entire thing was to kidnap you. Maybe he never was your.. no, he wasn't like that.. you had faith it was just a coincidence.

"So. Y/n L/n, how are you? Pull up a chair, stay for awhile. Let's just talk, big evil Oni versus the soulmate of the Green Ninja. How's that?" He grinned a wild, and toothy smile. Sitting on a stool in front of you, Garmadon chuckled under his breath. "I want you.. to tell me all you know about him."

Your breath hitched. How did he know?

The Oni laughed again, illuminated by the big lights behind him. This room was unbearably hot. "Right, you're probably wondering: How did I know? Well, it's simple. I have some... Let's call them.. watchmen. I have some watchmen, who spotted the Green Ninja dropping by the same apartment day after day, maybe not even going in sometimes, but sometimes he'd go in. And a few times, you went out. I may be evil, but I'm not stupid."

Tugging at the chains binding your wrists, you tried to keep yourself from hyperventilating. "I barely know anything about him- I only know his age, hair color, the fact he was part of some prophecy, and his favorite food- I swear-"

"Alright. Then tell me them already."

Swallowing, you nodded. "Uhm.. He's sixteen, he has blond hair, his powers are because of a prophecy, and he likes sloppy joes.. I swear on the Master's name I know nothing else."

Garmadon shook his head, standing up, and kicked the stool he was sat on over. "Swearing on my own father's name? I am unsure if you are brave, or foolish, child. You swear to my father, to my, to my brother, to my son's name that this is all you know?"

"Why- why is... Lloyd included in this?"

He smirked, pacing back and forth. "So the rumors are true then. You are acquaintances with my son.. And his name is pronounced 'La-loyd.' My son is included because you care for him. If I find out you are lying, then I will not hesitate to hurt him on your behalf."

You took a shaking breath, quickly nodding your head. "This is all I know- he's been smart enough and planned for this exact situation." Just stall. The Ninja had to be here soon, they would be.

Turning around, Garmadon began flicking with a console in front of you. "Now, I've gotten all that I've needed from you. If you're so confident your precious Green Ninja will be smart and get you, then I'm sure he can save you before you die in a burning, horrible death."


The floor around your chair opened, leaving you on an island.. which was suspended above lava. Oh. You were actually going to die. You had hope he wouldn't, but this was Garmadon, of course he'd hurt you.

You were in a giant volcano. Huh. If you weren't about to die you would've laughed at how ridiculous this was.

And if he didn't think you were telling the truth, he'd hurt his own son alongside your death. The thought of Lloyd being hurt scared you more than death itself.

Shutting your eyes tight, you tried to ignore the burning air brushing against you. Your knees burned first.

You cried out in pain, but Garmadon's grin only grew. "Yes, wail in pain, fill the air with your screams. It will prove helpful against your Green." A soft, purple glow grew around his double-armed form.

Biting your tongue, you kept yourself from yelling more. Tasting the iron seep through your teeth, you whimpered in pain. Shaking with a sob, your skin began to burn more. You shut your eyes again, tilting your head up, and away from the boiling rock. Your throat was so dry.

and in the middle of my chaos there was you // LloydxFem!ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang