#12: In Which It's Him

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Coughing awake, you squinted in the bright lights. Where were you? This wasn't your room. The walls were covered in a muted cream color, and it smelled of incense.

Your limbs felt stiff and slow.

Turning your head to look around, you failed to notice the blond beside your bed for a few moments. There weren't any windows, or maybe there was some behind the thick medical curtains, but there was also a thin, sliding door to the outside.

Finally catching sight of him, you scrunched your nose. His hair was fallen over his face, soft waves rippling through the light strands. There was dried blood in the corner of his eye, and his hand was bandaged. He seemed so peaceful sleeping. So comfy yet so tired.

But.. what was Lloyd doing here? And why was he wearing..



It felt as if life had begun speeding up. Everything lined up, they sounded like each other, both were blond and sixteen, neither one of them had a father figure, and he had a magical uncle. God. You were plain stupid.

Why didn't you see it sooner?

Of course Green was Lloyd. Of course Lloyd was Green. It just made sense.

Lloyd Garmadon was your soulmate.

And... it made you bubble with excitement.

Reaching over the side of the bed you reached a finger behind his hair, and began brushing it back. Your arm was bandaged tightly, and as you stretched it, you could feel the wrapping around the rest of your body tighten. How badly had you gotten hurt? It all felt like a blur.

You tucked the hair behind his ear, staring at him as you pulled your hand back behind you.

You didn't get much of a chance though, as one of his hands went up and caught your wrist. Attempting to tug it back was no use with his firm grip.

Opening his eyes, his gaze slowly softened as he saw it was just you. "I.. Y/n.. I'm.. I'm so sorry.. you should've never had to be in that situation- I should've never become your friend as Lloyd- then you wouldn't have come looking for me and you would've been safe-"

Taking your hand out of his grasp, you traced the features of his face with your finger tips. They felt so alien now that you knew they were made specifically for you. "What are you sorry for? I decided to do that myself, and I'm not mad about you being my soulmate, I'm.. kind of happy, Lloyd. I'm sorry you couldn't tell me of your own choice though."

"Well.. I'm sorry for Garmado- my dad. He shouldn't have known about me visiting you, and now he knows that I'm Green, and that you're.. technically.. his daughter in law..? Sorry- that.. made it kind of weird." He mumbled, sliding his chair forward so you could reach him better.

Frowning, you slid your thumb along his jaw. "I.. do you want to date me? Like- officially, now that I know who you are. Now we can hold hands in the hallway.. go on coffee dates, and.. you can meet my dad.. You know..."

He smiled, grabbing your hand and holding it against his cheek. "Normal people things."

Smiling back, you chuckled. "Yeah. Normal people things.. I- where.. where are we?" You continued tracing his face, his cracked lips, the bumps along his forehead, the freckles dotting his face. He was so pretty.

"Oh- we're in the monastery. The others are stopping by after school."

You furred your brow, "That monastery? But- didn't it get.. blown up..?"

Lloyd shook his head, his grin widening. "Nobody would think to look where they just did. We left the destroyed remains on the outside, but fixed up the inside. We honestly don't come here often though, but-"

A door behind Lloyd opened, revealing a dead man who.. was apparently not dead.

The Ice Ninja. Zane.

The person or- robot had a half happy, half blank expression on his.. face..? It was half human, a dark complexion contrasting against the silver of the other half of his face. One side had a small smile, and the other was a pin straight slit.

"Hello. I understand this may be a shock, but I am Zane, or Z8N3, or the Titanium Ninja. My original self was destroyed in the Explosion of the Second Monastery, but then I repaired myself using the source power from the monastery. I do not remember anything from before the explosion, and am now almost purely AI, only a part of my original body survived, this half of my face. I am now entirely a behind the scenes subject, helping the Ninja from out of sight. You are a very welcome guest to my home, Y/n, soulmate of Lloyd."

Blinking, you opened your mouth a few times, just trying to process what the fuck you were just told. That was a lot of words for someone who had almost been melted like a chocolate bar.

Lloyd sighed, taking his warm hand off of yours. "Zane, we talked about this. When new people visit, you don't just tell them that. Give them time. Human emotions."

"Right. Thank you. Here is your clothes, freshly washed and ironed. The detergent is hypoallergenic, and made for sensitive skin in case you were afraid of any reactions."

That was... Really sweet. Weirdly enough.

Taking the clothes, you placed them on the bed, and smiled up to the Titanium Ninja. "Thank you.. Zane."

The cyborg nodded, shutting the door behind him.

Lloyd drummed his fingers along your arm, sighing. "I.. well, that was Zane. He can't exactly.. leave the monastery. His power is drawn from it.. if that makes sense."

"Not really... But I think I'll get it eventually. He seems.. nice." You smiled, grabbing his arm. "I promise, I'm really happy you are.. well you, Lloyd."

He glanced up at you, a small smile growing on his face. "Thank you. I- fuck, it's so nice to finally tell you."

Reaching into his hair, you smiled. "It's nice to know you."

Lloyd trailed a hand up from your neck to your cheek, a scoff filling the empty air. "I think I like you, Y/n. I think this soulmate shit actually worked out... Can I kiss you?"

Holy fuck... consent was hot.

You glanced down to his lips, not hesitating as you pressed into them. You could feel him flinch in shock, and you let out a small giggle. Huh. When did you start giggling..?

Pulling back, he parted his lips slightly, staring at you in shock. He hesitantly placed a finger on his lips. "I-.."

"I think I like you too, Green."

and in the middle of my chaos there was you // LloydxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now