#6: In Which He Doesn't Stay

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Resting your forehead against the fire escape banister, you swung your legs out, listening to the creaks of the rusted metal, and the noises of the city.

You groaned, pressing the watch, and holding it up to your mouth. "Hey Green. If you wanted to come by anytime today, it'd be nice.. Not sure if you saw my first message... Or my other 4 after that.." Leaning back, you stared up at the gray sky, biting your lip. You were obsessed with him, weren't you?

Sighing, you slipped your earbuds in, and started playing your playlist. First Rate Town by Good Kid faded in, shutting the noises out. Your eyes began to drift closed, eventually settling shut.

Biting his cheek Lloyd sprinted across the rooftops, the buzzing shaking in his ear again

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Biting his cheek Lloyd sprinted across the rooftops, the buzzing shaking in his ear again. How many was that now? 6 messages? 2 on his phone, and 4 after he suited up to run over. He should've take his bike, what if something happened to her? What if he was too late?

He jumped to the fire escape on the side of the building, and began running down. The metal crashed against his shoes as he continued running down.

A figure laid motionless at her level, uncomfortably laying on the fire escape. Oh fuck, he was too late. "Y/n!"

She sat up, rubbing her face. "..huh? Green..?"

He crumpled to the floor, grabbing her close. "Oh my god- I thought you were dead-"

Pulling back, she scrunched her face in confusion. "What...? Why did you think I was dead? I just feel asleep waiting for you. Calm down. Oh hey- you're actually wearing green this time.."

Though she attempted to pull back, Lloyd still clung to her tight, exhaling. "I didn't have time to read the messages you sent me.. so I just assumed something bad happened-"

"You're so stupid.." She laughed, grinning. "Come in, I have something for you." Y/n grabbed his hands, stepping through the window, and walking into the main room.

He looked around, studying her apartment. "Is your dad home? I don't want to make things.. I dunno.. awkward? Is he in there?" Lloyd motioned to the other door in the apartment.

Shaking her head, she sighed, stirring a skillet on the stove. "Nope, he's still out. And that's the bathroom. I don't technically have legal residence here.. I'm technically living with my grandma in South Nom. I just visit my father and go to school because of it's problem kid program... But illegally, I do live here. My neighbor Javier does check up on me and make sure I eat though.. Sorry- ranting again.."

Awkwardly standing in her living room, he nodded. "It didn't bother me. I'll check the messages now.. Sorry for not actually reading them before-" Lloyd mumbled, grabbing his phone from his pocket inside his Gi. The texts were just saying 'thank you for the fries', 'are you coming today?', 'im going to assume you're coming today'. The rest were just asking when, or if he actually was coming. He was so stupid.

and in the middle of my chaos there was you // LloydxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now