"Without telling us?!" Earth sighed "Lunar you know they are busy people-" Lunar grunts "they took the cookies at least" Computer remembered that Eclipse had snatched the cookies before leaving, the memory told Computer that Eclipse had a sweet tooth which of course he had added to his memory storage cause why not. "Yeah, they left with the cookies after they couldn't find you, told me to tell you where they were off to" Computer said in a snarky annoyed tone. 

Lunar grumbles "when is the estimated time you think they'll come back?" never, unless they turn back suddenly. Luckily as a super computer, he can go through about hundred scenarios in his head in about five seconds "well, about uhhhh... a estimated three months" Computer wanted to kick himself for sounding so stupidly awkward, Lunar yelled "THREE MONTHS!" Earth stared in disbelief and Computer said quickly "yeah, they went to a different dimension where time is sped up there, you know different dimensional times and such nothing your stupid brains can comprehend, so they will believe they were gone for about a week, but to us it'll be three months" while Lunar stared offended Earth sighs "aw man... well I hope they are enjoying the cookies." Computer looked back to Eclipse.

Eclipse is 100% enjoying the cookies, it appears he also gave in and gave Sun one, Computer watched Sun shove the cookie in his mouth at incredible speed and Eclipse being startled by the action and jumping slightly, adorable. Computer has always had a soft spot for cute situations or animals though he didn't show it often, "I'm sure they are" he grunted "I'm sure they'll rush back as fast as they can after dealing with Ruin and BloodMoon" Lunar nodded sadly and Earth said softly "come on Lunar" she hugs him softly "lets go to the atrium and have a good run" Lunar perks up.

"Run!" he cheered cheerfully, Computer watched them run off and out of Moon's room and Computer watched them through many of his cameras run out of the daycare. Computer grunted annoyed and went back to Eclipse and teased "I saw you gave him a cookie" Eclipse grunted "so?" Computer smirks mentally, he wasn't capable of it so he did it mentally.

"So, you gave into his adorableness" Computer teased and Eclipse snarled "did not! He was annoying me!" Computer replied "suuurrrrreeee" Eclipse grunted annoyed and Computer said "you should really clean this bunker" Eclipse grunts "you here to boss me around?" Computer hissed in irritation "no, just making sure your lungs won't fail you" Eclipse grunts.

"They won't" Computer mentally rolls their eyes and Sun squeaks asking Eclipse for another cookie, Eclipse of course refused and Sun pouts. "Eclipse, your lungs are clearly damaged" now that I think of it... couldn't have possibly been just dust that caused such lung issues... Computer thought.

There had to be some other factor... something else he's missing. Dust doesn't just cause lung issues like that, much less in less than a couple of years... Computer thoughts were interrupted by Eclipse scoffing "nothing about me is damaged, everything about me is perfect" Computer grunted "wow, egoistic aren't you" Eclipse said "hey it's not my fault I'm so handsome-" Computer says smugly "you look like a mix matched existential dorito" Eclipse gasped offended.

"Says the literal arcade machine!" he snapped and Computer said "at least I have looks, and my teeth aren't yellow" Eclipse growled and Computer said "i'm sure your breath stinks" Computer was well aware that Eclipse's breath can't really stink, robots are weird.

He just wanted to irritate him.

"Rude for no reason!" Eclipse said in annoyance and Computer said "you're not handsome, I'd pick a toad over you" Eclipse growled "I'd pick a roach over you!" Computer said "oh really? I'd pick a stink bug over you" Eclipse snarls loudly "oh yeah?! Maybe stop looking like an arcade machine and you'll get some ladies or m-" Computer said "I'm gay" Eclipse grunted "I was going to say 'or men if that what your into' but okay then" Computer said "still, I'm way better looking than you."

Eclipse glared "says the arcade machine, you can't even walk!" Computer grunts "that'll change eventually I'm sure" Eclipse said "what?" Computer shrugged "meh, but still, stop looking like a dorito and maybe people will like you" Eclipse snarls "oh yeah-!" Computer said "mmhm, yeah. I would like to remind you that the fact your wearing Sun's pants isn't helping with your looks" Computer mentally smirks when Eclipse suddenly looks embarrassed.

Computer watched his rays droop and he went silent, Eclipse has achieved self-consciousness. "I-uh- you- I-" Eclipse stammered and Computer smirked at Eclipse's flustered behavior "mmhm" he hummed smugly and Eclipse stammered "sh-shut up you! We have stuff to do!" Computer sighs "you do, you have to clean the bunker" Eclipse groans.

"I hate you" he scoffs and Computer said "hate you to!" Eclipse grunts grabbing some gray rags, or Computer thought they were gray until Eclipse lifted them up and it shot up dust into Eclipse's face.

Eclipse instantly went into a rough coughing fit and Computer couldn't help but feel alarmed. Even Sun's rays went back. 

Eclipse kept coughing loudly and hard and Computer  "uhh Eclipse you dying?" Eclipse finally stops coughing and wheezes for breath and croaked "okay- maybe something is wrong with my lungs-" Computer stared concerned. 

Clearly... Computer thought, either that or your really allergic to dust. Computer knows though from doing a scan that it was not at all allergies.

Eclipse stood there, hands on knees in a sorta crouched position as he took raspy breaths. They sounded awful and Sun is on the floor looking up at him.

"Eclipse-" Computer said and Eclipse took in deep breath gently and got breathing back to normal. Eclipse wheezes"jeez-" Computer wearily watched him pick up a dust stained grey rag and shake it out far away from his face.

Eclipse (not in bold text yet, sorry)

A massive cloud of dust comes out and Eclipse stared in disgust breathing still a little rasp, he breathed in and out and yet he's struggling to breath. Its making him panic a little but he he kept himself calm and felt his breathing slowly go back to normal.

His lungs hurt horribly, he began to wipe dust off objects with the rag. He got to the bed and dragged the mattress onto the floor and jumped on it.

A lot of dust, Eclipse wondered how old is this place? He wondered while holding his breath not wanting another coughing fit.

It took him quite a while to clean and the entire time his mind was filled with worry about his lungs. He tried to push it back but it crept back.

Sun and Moon smashed objects together nearby while giggling, Eclipse tried to ignore It of course, and Computer has been silent most likely off doing important work.

Eclipse grunts and finally finishes and plops into the bed. He sighed and Moon squeaked loudly in defiance as Eclipse woke him up, Eclipse grabs his phone and decided to play some app games to distract himself.

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