87. Chapter eighty-seven

Start from the beginning

The zombies all begin to apologize for their comments, as well as selling out some of the other zombies, 'i should've chosen to group up with my crewmates...' I have a irk mark form. "Not enough food. Still hungry!" Giant-Luffy complains to warlord guy. "Then we shall give you more." The warlord tells the zombies, which includes me as well, and the zombies apologize as they tell warlord guy there's barely any food left on the island.

"I have some food stored in the mansion that was being saved in case of emergency, you may use it as you please." Shindre says, and i can already guess that she is a zombie by now, "well done! Thats our shindre for you! Always ready for everything! Too think you were ready to prepare- hold on, if they bring it here now it defeats the purpose of emergency food." Dr. Hogback retorts.

"Even if you starve its fine." Shindre harshly tells Dr. Hogback, and i hold back a snort, honestly, he probably deserves it. "Hold on! Thats hurtful!" Dr. Hogback complains, "yuno, ni, bow, and zombie #280, go to Dr. Hogback's mansion and retrieve the provisions and bring them here." The warlord guy tells three little zombies and strange enough, me as well... probably cause I'm taller and would make it go faster.

"You got it master!" The three exclaim, i groan out a "yes master" before cringing internally as i go with the trio and soon more zombies go with... "master! We're back!" The trio says, "good, feed him." Warlord man says, and giant-Luffy takes a handful of the food, along with the box and eats it, the trio rush before they could get eaten, giant-Luffy makes a compliment about the taste of the food.

"Among its contents is some salted fish. I'm sure he would love that." Shindre says, and the trio freak out. "S-salted?!" The yellow one panics, "if that special zombie finds that salted fish and eats it, then his shadow will-" the red one panics, before having both the blue and yellow one clamp their hands over its make shift mouth, i purse my brows as whatever the salt was, it does something to the shadow that was in the zombie-giant... so perhaps if i put salt in its mouth, the shadow will return to Luffy? Man i am so smart.

"We cant let that happen, got it? If he does, the master will punish us personally!!" The blue one freaks, and i eye a ball of salt, and i immediately hide it in my skirt that i makeshifted. Giant-luffy find the fish as the three were panicking for it, and they manage to get it out of his mouth and they switch the fish for some dry meat to giant-Luffy.

A zombie goes over to the salted fish and takes a bite as the trio panicks, i then see a shadow departs from the zombie, meaning that my hunch was right, so when i have the perfect moment, i'll just have to get on it and toss the salt in its mouth then Luffy's shadow will go back to him.

"While your eating, listen up fools. 500 years ago you were notorious and legendary villain. And now you have been reborn through my power and you will serve as my underling." Warlord guy tells giant-Luffy, and i hide a scoff as if i already guess that Luffy wouldn't be one to follow under someone's command. "Underling? What? No way! I have a dream!" Giant-Luffy complains, and now I'm definitely sure this giant has Luffy's shadow in him, and I'm guessing its the warlord guy's doing from a type of devil fruit.

The zombies complain about his words, i just pretend i was bothered by him, and i just project my annoyance of how Luffy even got captured in the first place. "This place is small and stupid! Imma go outside for a while, or maybe i should go out to sea and see the world?" Giant-Luffy complains as he pants against the walls, i gain a irk mark as he definitely wont be able to go on a sea.

"Gum-gum: pistol!" He smashes a hole straight through the wall, and while the zombies were in complete and utter disbelief, i took this opportunity to run back, causing confusion. "LUFFY!! WHEN I GET YOUR SHADOW BACK, BE IN FOR A BEATING!!" I bark with a shark teeth as i run forward and jump off the railing and i turn my lower body into a cloud and propelling myself like a rocket and i take my sword out and i stab giant-Luffy's back, though he didn't seem a bit fazed as he jumps onto the forest like it was just a step from where we were to the ground, though that was definitely not the case as when my eyes momentarily look down, i immediately look back forward.

'Oh god...' I force back the nausea as i now just have to get up his back, good thing i stole a second sword earlier so i guess i'll have to scale giant-Luffy like someone rock climbing. "Thats weird. I thought... my arm was going to stretch? Oh well. I'm going to be king, of the pirates!!" He calls out, and by now it's obvious that it has Luffy's shadow.

I crack my neck, "when i get to you Luffy... I'm going to strangle you..." i mumble underneath my breath as i take the second sword and i raise it before placing it before me and i stab it into giant-Luffy's back, the giant seems unfazed by my stabbing of its back as i scale its back.

I continue on scaling him with a fire in my eyes.

one piece extras ;
ooo. momoko chose to be in a disguise of the zombie she was as
ooo. the chapter where she went solo, she mugged the zombie

1470 words

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