Chapter 14

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Drew's POV

How can one person change the whole dynamic of one's life?

I had rules for a reason.

To prevent this from happening again and yet, this one slipped through the cracks.

I've been a mess ever since she left.

I can't even talk to her.

I feel like everything I've done up until this point has put a burden on her and that's the last thing I want to do.

I sigh.

This is the problem with falling for headstrong women.

I always seem to get in their way.

Anna has been coming by and helping me out a bit more lately.

I didn't tell her what was going on but she said she could tell I was upset about something.

"Either you need a new mattress or something's got you down in the dumps. Penny for your thoughts?"

I shake my head as she gently rubs her fingers through my hair while I go over some folders.

"Can you drop these off next door please? I'd really appreciate it."

She tilts her head at me and takes the folders from my hand.

"You know, we are still friends Drew. You can talk to me."

I look up at her and she softly caresses my cheek with her thumb.

We were technically friends before she ended up in my bed.

She's a really good person and I think I forget about that sometimes considering the things we do in my bed.

I just don't think my complicated relationship with our new sales manager is the best topic considering how many times she's tried to be in her shoes.

"Thanks Anna. I'll keep that in mind."

She nods and kisses the top of my head before going over to Valentina's office.

I lean back in my chair and sigh as the clock on the wall ticks away.

The time reads 6:45 pm and most of the office is long gone.

I go over to the mini fridge and pour myself a drink as I look over that the make shift bed on the couch.

The thought of going home is unsettling.

Mainly because it reminds me of when she was there.

God I must sound crazy.

I barely know this girl yet she's captured my world.

My stomach growls and I sigh as I fish a couple dollars out of my pocket.

I ordered DoorDash but with all of the traffic and the time of day, everything is slammed.

It won't really bother me if the food is cold, but I'm not sure how long I can wait before I start to feel ill

The vending machine in the break room has hot pockets so that should hold me over for a little bit.

I make my way over and as I'm scanning the selection, I hear a pair of voices off in the distance.

"I don't think that'll be necessary. I still have some work to finish up and I really don't want you to have to wait up."

I tense up a little at the sound of her voice.

It's not that surprising that she's here so late but it is a bit odd for him to be.

"Aw come on doll. Why don't you take a break? I'll make sure you have a good time."

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