Chapter 2

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Valentina's POV

You have got to be joking.

It's my first day at this company and It's already a disaster.

I woke up late of course and on my way in, some rude ass person bumped into me, dumping the coffee I just made all over my shirt and skirt.

Luckily, my skirt is black so you can't really tell by the time I make it inside but there is some on my top that I just can't get off.

"Damn it."

I sigh and take a deep breath as I look at myself in the mirror.

This move was supposed to be a good thing.

I'd meet new people. Experience a new place and have fun.

I can't let one day ruin what I worked so hard to achieve.

I splash a little bit of cool water onto my face and with another deep breath, I put on my best smile and make my way out to meet the floor manager for my orientation.

He's a sweet man that seems to really enjoy his job.

It gives me hope that maybe the place won't be so bad after all.

When he introduces me to the team, I get the same vibes from everyone else as well.

They all congratulate me on my new position and all seem to genuinely like being here.

"Oh! There's one more person you have to meet. She's the head of marketing so you two will be working pretty closely together."

I nod and follow him past all of the cubicles on the floor and watch as he knocks on the office door.

The person inside invites us in and when I see who it is I feel all of the energy drain from my body.

The same person that ruined my day, is my new coworker.

The universe really hates me.

As Randy is introducing us, I notice her eyes roaming me as if I'm some piece of meat.

She's honestly no better than any of the men I've seen but, I do have to admit.

She does have some nice features to her.

And a lot of tattoos.

She walks over and I feel my blood boil at the cocky grin on her face.

I know her type.

The ones that think they're charm and good looks can win them any girl they lay their pretty little eyes on.

Not this time.

She outstretches her hand in greeting but I don't accept it.

I don't want her to have even the slightest inkling that she has a chance with me and the best way I can do that is to avoid any unnecessary contact.

Even if it may seem rude.

I did learn that she goes by drew though.

I guess that's something useful to learn from this interaction.

After we leave her office, Randy shows me my work area and gives me my tasks for the day.

It's mainly orientation things.

Pay roll, tax forms, company rules.

I breeze through it all pretty quickly and take a deep breath as I dive into some actual work.

My desk area is situated a few seats down from Drew's so that we can communicate better but I only plan to do that if it's absolutely necessary.

Our departments are meant to work together in some form but I'm not crossing that bridge until we get there.

It's 5:30 pm and most of the staff have been gone for hours.

My shift ended a while ago as well, but I just want to get this final sheet submitted before I leave.

It's not due for a couple of weeks but, my dad always said that it's best to be ahead than behind so that's what I'll do.

"Late night on your first day? You're really trying to stand out I see."

My eyes roll at the sound of Drew's voice coming from her door.

I don't know why I'm still so angry with her.

She was in a rush and accidents happen.

Maybe it's her personality.

She oozes arrogance.

I'm not saying she's a bad person, but I can just feel our energies colliding even with the space between us.

"Am i bothering you?"

Her eyebrow raises and I can hear her footsteps coming closer.

Lord. Can't she take a hint?

"I'm sorry. Did I upset you in some way? If it's about the clothes, I can pay to get them cleaned for you."

Her voice has a hint of amusement in it and I feel as if all of the pressure that's been building all day, is coming to a head.

I stand and turn to face her.

Keeping my eyes level with hers and making sure she understand my words clearly.

"And what pray tell are you expecting in return?"

I take a step closer to her but she doesn't move.

One of her hands rests comfortably in her pocket while the other arm is across her torso holding her coat that is draped across it.

She doesn't even break eye contact with me and I know it's just her way of trying to act cool.


"Listen. I know you might think that you can charm your way into the new girls pants but that's not going to Happen here. I know your type. The smooth talker who dazzles every woman they meet into submission. Not this one though. I don't need your money and I don't need your concern. Just let me do my work and stay out of my way."

Her eyes brows furrow a bit and I see a hint of annoyance take over her face.

It's as if her mask has fallen a bit and some of her true self is staring to peek out.

"So. You know me that well from only 5 minutes of speaking to me?"

She takes a step forward but I simply cross my arms over my chest and hold my ground.

"Am I wrong?"

She scoffs and check her watch before eyeing me once more.

"You win this round,princess."

With that, she brushes past me and steps into the elevator, heading down to the parking garage.


I roll my eyes before sitting back down in my chair frustrated.

Her ego was definitely hit by what I said but now I'm just annoyed.

I'll have to work even harder to prove that I don't need help from her or anyone else here.

If she wants a fight, I'll gladly join in.

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