Chapter 17

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✨Sorry for the long wait 😅✨

Drew's POV

I always hear people say that there's a thin line between love and hate but it never really meant anything to me.

I thought it was pretty lame to be honest.

That is until, I experienced it first hand.

"Why do you move so much in your sleep?"

I laugh a little as the warm body beneath me cuddles closer.

"Sorry for disturbing your beauty rest."

She frowns and smacks my chest making me laugh.

"It's too early for you to be an ass."

I roll my eyes and softly kiss the top of her head, dragging my fingers along her lower back.

"Okay okay I'm sorry."

She smiles as I lean down to kiss her neck and I feel the heat rise in my chest when her hand grips my shirt.

"Mmm don't start something you can't finish."

I smile at that, remembering a certain someone trying to run away from me last night because they couldn't handle anymore.

I don't think anyone has ever been able to satisfy her this much.

Yes, I do sound a bit cocky, but this woman can go for hours.

I just can go a bit longer.

"You seemed to finish just fine last night. Need a reminder?"

Her cheeks heat up and she groans before pushing off of me and sitting up in bed.

"You are going to ruin walking for me if I stay in this bed any longer. Breakfast?"

I nod and sit up so that I can give her a kiss.

She returns it and smiles as I deepen it a bit.

"Stooop. Drew, you're driving me crazy."

"Good. I like crazy."

She laughs and shoves me back into the pillows before throwing on a shirt and heading to the kitchen.

I watch her walk away for a moment before checking my phone.

I haven't looked at it since I got off work so I know I'm going to have a ton of messages.

My finger glides across the screen as I scroll past the usual jargon but my hand pauses on a particular message I'm not used to seeing.

Call me.
Pick up.
Call back?

Now that I'm paying more attention, I actually have quite a few missed calls from them as well.

"Sabrina? What is she calling me for?"

I sit up and throw on a shirt, trying to think of all of the reasons why she would call but none make sense.

"Drew? Breakfast is almost done. Are you still in bed??"

I brush a hand across my face and sigh.

Whatever it is, it can wait.

She hasn't needed me in over 3 years so what's a little while longer gonna hurt?

The whole meal, I can't even focus on Valentina.

Thoughts of Sabrina actually needing me help keep running rampant in my mind and I can't help it.

What if she's hurt? Does she need money? Is she mixed up in something?

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