Chapter 9

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Drew's POV

It's my 28th birthday.

Some people think that once you hit this age, your life is over but I honestly don't feel much different from when I turned 21.

I still have fun with my friends.

I haven't developed any crippling body aches yet.

Life is going pretty good.

Some of my old friends wanted to take me out to this new club downtown and I don't think I couldn't say no to that.

I check my phone while my friends laugh around me as I receive a text from Anna.

"I'll be waiting for you, birthday girl.😘"

I smile and send a quick reply before scanning the room.

Don't get me wrong, my friends are great but I don't think dancing on any of them is going to be the highlight of my day.

"Uh oh there she goes! Already on the hunt!"

I roll my eyes at their jokes but my attention is caught by a flash of raven hair.

As I focus in, I notice a very tipsy Latina dancing the night away with some of her friends.

"Oh no don't mind me. Just enjoying the view."

I take a sip of my drink as my friends continue their conversation.

I however, cant seem to take my eyes off of the beauty across the room.

The way her body sways to the sound as she moves without a care in the world.

She's even smiling.

That's something I don't get to see everyday, but I think I'm going to add it to my list.

I'm about to turn away when I notice a guy make his way over to their group.

He seems harmless at first but then I notice something in his pocket and my blood runs cold.

"Be right back."

I set my drink down and don't even explain myself as I stride over to the table they're heading to.

Everything else happens in slow motion.

He stands across from Valentina and laughs along with something her friend said.

While her back is turned, he quickly drops something into her glass and it takes everything in me not to smash it into her face.

As soon as I step up, she goes to grab her cup but I quickly put my hand over it to stop her.

"Wow babe. Go easy over here. I'm not trying to carry you all the way home."

She looks up at me with a confused look but she's so drunk she bursts into giggles.

"Dreeeewww what are you talking about silly?"

The guy sizes me up but I grab onto her hip and pul her to me as I glare at him.


I tilt my head behind me slightly and as soon as he sees the guys I'm with, he backs off immediately.

"My bad man."

I shake my head as he runs off and look down to see a pouty little Latina.

"Now why did you do that for? He was cute!"

I roll my eyes and toss the drink into the trash.

"You're drunk princess. You need to head home."

She frowns and basically throws a tantrum as she smacks me on the chest and arms.

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