Chapter 1

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Drew's POV

I always thought that being a lesbian would be easier.

I'm a woman so I should understand what women want and how they think.

Boy was I wrong.

I look over at the alarm clock on my dresser and sigh.

08:16 AM.

I have to be at work in 45 minutes and the woman sleeping on my chest is not going to be happy.

Anna is a girl that works with me and occasionally ends up in my bed over the weekend.

I wouldn't say that we're dating per say but in her mind, we're an item.

Don't get me wrong. She's a pretty girl and a great fuck but, I don't do relationship.

They're clingy and require a lot of time that I don't have right now.

I work for one of the best accounting firms in San Francisco and the last thing I need is to be distracted.

I've told Anna multiple times that even though I do enjoy her company, I don't want any thing more.

She doesn't react very well to this news but, it's just how I feel.

I try my best to ease out of bed so she doesn't wake up but of course, she does.

"Leaving so soon?"

Her voice comes out just above a whisper.

I give her a slight smile and kiss the top of her head before I slide the rest of the way out from under the covers.

"It's time for work. I have to be in the office soon and you have a meeting today."

She groans loudly and pouts up at me as I pull on a pair of pants.

"You know, some girls find it romantic to wake up to breakfast in bed or even a nice good morning kiss?"

I roll my eyes as I search for my watch and shoes knowing exactly where this conversation is going.

"Sounds like you are in the wrong persons bed then."

I hurry into the bathroom and close the door behind me before she's able to hurl insults my way.

I love a woman with a fiery side but this is getting a bit ridiculous.

I know I shouldn't keep sleeping with her.

Sex isn't just sex for some people.

There are feelings and connections involved and it's wrong of me to keep stringing her along like this.

But she keeps coming back so I'm not going to complain.

I sigh as I try my best to quickly fix my hair and straighten my clothes.

08:42 AM

"Fuck. Im definitely going to be late."

I quickly round the corner outside of my apartment and start the 10 minute walk to the office.

I could take a bus or even call an Uber but this might save me a little bit of time.

I got this apartment for the sole purpose of being able to walk to work instead of using public transportation so I might as well.

I check my watch to see how much time I have left and as I do, I feel my body bump into another.

"Oh shit. Sorry!"

I glance back at the person for a brief moment and I'm able to make out the fact that she's a girl and she seems pretty pissed off.

Someone must've woken up on the wrong side of the bed.

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