Chapter 8

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Drew's POV

This new arrangement has actually been really nice.

We don't have to go so far to communicate anymore and it's made things a lot easier.

Production has started so it's been pretty busy.

We don't even close the doors between us half the time since we're always going back and forth between offices.

I wouldn't say we're equals business wise but I like to get her opinion on things and she needs me to review files and sign them.

Opening and closing doors is just unnecessary effort and noise.

"Drew? You have a second? I need help with this one section."

I look up from my own files and motion for her to come in.

As I'm sitting in my chair, she doesn't even go towards the front of my desk.

She walks straight behind it and sits on the edge.

Her toned legs look delicious as they pour out of her pencil skirt but I quickly avert my gaze.

"I'm having trouble sourcing the materials for the next phase. Our current supplier is small and already overworked but the product is selling fast. I don't want to have to find someone else because they're really good people but we're doing to be in the red soon if we don't do something."

I take the files from her and lean back in my chair as I review the data.

"So your issue is a personal one? I see here in your notes that you have several candidates ready and willing to assist."

She nods slightly as she plays with her hands.

"I know it's not very professional, but changing suppliers would hurt them financially and emotionally."

I look up into her eyes and sigh.

She has such a good heart.

We only take on these small suppliers when we think a product will take a while to sell.

Smaller suppliers make better quality products but now they can barely keep up with demand.

I've ran into this problem before and dealt with it accordingly.

"Listen princess. I understand you want to help these people, but you're in a higher position now. You can't favor every small business we encounter."

Her bottom lip pokes out a bit as she nods.


Her eyes light up as I start going through my own files.

"With this specific product, we can have different versions. We will instruct a bigger company to mass produce the original and allow the smaller company to focus on limited edition versions. This way, we stay green and everyone wins."

I hand her the new draft and her smile widens as everything starts to click.

"That sounds perfect! Thank you drew."

She leans down and kisses my forehead before walking back into her office.

My entire body feels hot as the sensation of her lips pressing against my head still lingers.

I take a deep breath and get back to work.

Thank you randy. I definitely owe you one.

Val's POV

It's getting pretty late.

Everyone in the office is long gone but I'm so close to finishing this protect.

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