"You mean, like a date??"

"Well, I'll ask Sam and Arnold to help get you two alone," Ellie continued, "perhaps Trevor could help as well..."

"And just how on earth are you going to do that???"

"I have to figure it out," Ellie mumbled, "yes, Bella's cafe, at, say, 6 PM tomorrow... you can wait until then, right...? Sam will make up an excuse, we can get Ben, Tom, Moose, maybe Lizzie... it's gonna be great!!"

"I-I-you know you're not supposed to tell me about this," Elvis replied, "usually in movies the friends plan it out WITHOUT the victims hearing the entire thing."

"Oh!" Ellie said, then quickly got up and left the room as she continued, "I-I'm not sure if it will work out! Y'know what, just rest! Bye!"

Elvis sat in silence for a moment before flopping back down back first on his bed. He sighed to himself as he thought about what happened: not one, not two, but THREE people knew his secret. He wouldn't be surprised at this point if the whole town knew! And soon they would, Ellie's plan was going to go into action soon... but had she really meant it when she implied that she may not do it?

Elvis, being a bit gullible, decided to believe that Ellie had given up, but the thought of the other Rescue Team members finding out his shocking secret sent shivers down his spine.

The only person who seemed oblivious to all of this was Penny herself.

But did she really not know? Maybe she had figured out a while ago, perhaps after he looked at her one time when they were practicing 'Men of Harlech,' back in the old days when they were in the old fire station and it was just the three of them: Sam, him, and Penny. She had smiled at him. Was that the moment that she had figured out that he was in love with her?? Did she only smile to not break his heart full of love??? 

Elvis's head was swarming with all of these possibilities, and it was far too much. He got out his phone and scrolled through YouTube, where his problems faded away.

But he knew soon they would come back.


Penny was sitting at the fire station dining table, thinking about life. (sorry lol did not know wot to say🤣) She was going over her day, wondering if anything had happened that was out of the ordinary. Perhaps Sam had a crush on someone, like he always seemed to be experiencing, or Elvis asked Ellie out or something...


She was sure that he liked Ellie, they were both energetic and goofballs, they had so much in common. Sigh, Elvis really was very cute...

"Hey Penny!"

The blonde turned around to see Ellie. 

"Oh, hey Ellie," Penny waved, "how are you? What are you up to?"

"Oh, not much," Ellie lied, clasping her hands together, "what are you doing??"

"Um, nothin'..." Penny muttered, her face turning a bit pink, "nothin' at all..."

"Um, well doing nothing is technically doing something," Ellie commented, "or, at least that's what Arnold says..."

"Did Elvis ask you out or what?" Penny suddenly blurted out. For a moment there was a heavy silence.

"Um, no," Ellie replied, now confused, "why would he do that?"

"Because I think he has a crush on you."

"Oh, psh!" Ellie waved away her friend's thought, "he does NOT have a crush on me!"

"He looked pretty lovestruck when we first met you and Arnold."

"He was just really excited to meet someone cool like me!!" Ellie grinned.

Penny sighed, "I kind of want to be left alone now."

"Okay, but Elvis did NOT ask me out," Ellie says, "what, did YOU ask Sam out?"

"What???" Penny said, "no!! I have NEVER thought of Sam like that!!"

"Well, do you have a crush on anyone?" Ellie asked. She NEEDED to know for SURE that Penny felt the same way about Elvis. She HAD to know, for Elvis's sake. For HER sake.

"Uh, no," Penny blushed even harder to the point where her face was as red as Jupiter, "I-I don't like anyone at the moment."

"Ooooh do you like ELVIS???"

"NONONONONO I DON'T!!!!" Penny screamed, "I-I-" She stopped. Ellie sat down beside her. "Do you have a crush on Elvis?" she asked again.

"No," Penny said, "I'm in love with him."

My Soulmate- A Fireman Sam Elvis x Penny StoryWhere stories live. Discover now