"Yeah", Namjoon agreed.

She smiled as she pointed at a design that she liked the most.

"Can I get this one?", She asked looking at Jin.

"Of course, princess. Choose any number of chains you want", Jin said ruffling her hair.

"Wait, there are specific sizes", Yoongi said as he scrolled through the details.

"Many designs come with adjustable sizes", Namjoon said.

"You need one layer or many?", Tae asked as he looked at all the designs.

"I want to use it for daily use. I think one layer chain will be perfect for that", Aera said.

"Silver or golden in colour?", Yoongi asked.

"I don't know about that oppa. I don't know which colour would suit me", she said as her fingers aimlessly scrolled through the website.

"Alright. I'll order one in each colour. And a double layered chain. Is that fine, princess?", Jin asked.

"That's too much oppa. I can get only one", She said.

"You told us right? Now shut up. Let's eat something", Taehyung dragged her or of the room as the other three were busy in choosing the designs.

It was the next day.

"Suno oppa, how are you?", Aera's voice beamed through the house.

"Unnie? What is she doing?", She smiled as Jimin shook his head at her enthusiasm.

His hands typed fast on the laptop, as he took occasional sips of his coffee.

Suno would be completely off duty for eight months, as they successfully made him to agree.

He was stubborn at first, but they threatened him that if he didn't agree, he could never meet Aera again.

So he agreed and now spends all his time with his family.

They had to increase the security around her and they never left her alone.

"What is my baby Ryung doing?", She asked.

Yeah, she named the baby boy Ryung- which meant brightness.

"He sounds so cute!!", She jumped on the couch in excitement.

"Alright, Suno oppa. I'll visit you tomorrow. Look after unnie,  Ryung and yourself too", she said as she hung up on the call.

A knock was heard on the door as a guard spoke through the intercom, "sir, a parcel arrived just now"

Hobi came out from the kitchen as he signalled Jimin and Aera that he will take the door.

Few minutes later he came back with a box that was decorated beautifully.

"Angel, I guess it's for you", Hobi said.

She was confused for a moment but her face lit up in excitement.

"Ahh! It arrived already?!!", She jumped through the living room in excitement.

"Yah, slow down, don't hurt yourself", Jin's voice could be heard from the dining room.

Others came out to see the ruckus she's creating.

She was hopping through the living room not leaving a chance to fulfill her bunny allegations.

"What's the matter?", Jungkook rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"She got the waist chains", Jimin shook his head as she finally stood infront of Hobi and got the parcel.

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