Chapter 94 - part 3

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"THERE'S A RIBBON IN THE SKYYY", Namjoon sang, no screamed as Aera was laughing hard.

He kept his karaoke going on as she laughed out her lungs.

"Oppa, s-stop", she said trying to control her breath.

"You are stopping my musical show mid way, little one", he said raising his eyebrows.

"You mean comedy show", she said and burst into another round of cackles.

He stood there watching her laugh.

He adored her the most.

He switched off the Tv and other electronics.

"Let's sleep", he mumbled seeing that it was almost bedtime.

She drank a glass of water and rushed into the restroom.

He arranged the bed and adjusted the temperature.

He threw off his shirt and fell on the bed with a sigh.

She came back, switched off the lights and laid beside him.

She wrapped her arm and leg around him and squished her body against his.

She blew air into his ear making him squeal.

"What are you doing?", He asked chuckling.

"I'm not sleepy. What about you oppa?", She asked rubbing her nose against his arm.

"I'm not sleepy, but tired", he said tracing patterns on her leg that was on his waist.

"Should I help you, oppa?", She asked excited, as she tried to get up.

He had a firm grip on her leg and pulled her down.

"You are already doing that", he said as he wrapped his arm around her.

She was laying her head on his shoulder with his arm as a pillow.

She pouted.

"Oppa, how can I get a body like you? You know big, soft, comfy yet strong", she asked squishing his cheek.

"You little girl is dreaming of getting a body like me? Haha. Funny joke", he smirked in arrogance.

"Yah! Oppa!", She pinched his cheek a little hard but it didn't have an effect on him.

"Seriously, little one. Everyone has their body according to their genes and nature. You can't force yourself to change that", he said caressing her hair.

"But at least, I want to be a little taller. I have to look up whenever I interact with people", she pouted thinking about her misery.

"You'll grow a little taller, I guess", he said caressing her cheek with his other hand.

"I hope", she said.

"Little one?", He called out after a few minutes of silence.

She hummed in reply.

"Have you ever had a crush on anyone?", He asked .

"Crush?", She asked confused.

"Hmm, a crush is a person who you find attractive, good looking and maybe of your type. You are allowed to have romantic feelings for them ", he asked.

She thought hard and shook her head.

"No one, Oppa. What about you?", she asked.

"I had a crush on my highschool days", he confessed.

"Really?!!", She asked now sitting up, getting excited.

"Yeah", he said .

She squealed and laid on top of him, hugging the shit out of him.

"Please tell me about this", she asked as she sat on his stomach and held his hands.

He brought his legs up to support her back as she leaned against his legs.

He smiled caressing her knuckles.

He kept another pillow under his head, so that he could see her through the moonlight that was spread across the room

"In our class, there was a quiet girl. She would be engrossed in a book. Every single time. She was a sweet person. She would help anyone. It was not a huge deal for me, but I just had an eye on her. She was not that beautiful, but I liked her personality. She was my type. Calm, sweet and kind", He was talking with a smile on his face.

"Then? Did you ever talk with her?", Aera asked.

"Yeah, we were in the same class. We have to talk occasionally. But the thing was I wasn't in mad love or something they would show in movies. I just liked her more than some people out there", he said caressing her knuckles.

"One day, when I was going to the library, I saw her crying in the staircase. I asked her what was wrong and she replied she had a break-up with her girlfriend. I gave her some chocolates to cool her down. She was a good acquaintance", He said chuckling watching his sister's mouth hung open.

"Aww, I feel bad for her and you. You are not sad oppa?", She asked worried.

"No baby. Why would I be sad? I'm happy that she has a happy and healthy family now", he said with a smile.

"Oppa, if you seriously love someone and if they don't reflect your feelings, what will you do?", She asked tracing her finger on his chest.

"I will accept that we don't have mutual feelings. I will respect their feelings and emotions. I will move out of the person's way and will move on in my life", he said as his hands went up her arm.

"And little one, this is how a person should behave. If anyone crosses this boundary, just say a word to me
I'll make them understand", he said pinching her cheek.

"Yeah, why should I worry when I have seven brothers?", She said falling on his chest.

He straightened his legs and wrapped his arms around her.

He straightened her oversized t-shirt and rubbed her back.

He kissed her head and said, "Yeah. We'll deal with it".

"Little one, i seriously have a doubt", he asked in a concerned voice.

She rubbed her nose on his neck, inhaling his scent.

"Tell me Oppa", she said looking up at him.

"Don't you feel any pain lying like this? I mean your chest gets squished. Won't it be painful?", He asked drawing circles on her back.

She giggled finding him cute.

"No, it's actually comfy for me. But it'll start to hurt after lying in the same position for a long time", she said pinching his cheek.

"That's why you keep changing your position?", He asked.

She nodded her head and kissed his cheek.

"You are cute", she said kissing his cheek again.

"Only for you", he said kissing her forehead and nose.


Hey peeps!

Whatever the tough time you are facing, here take my hugs🫂 and kisses😚.

Everything will be fine soon.

Hope you enjoy this story.

Comment or I'll haunt you in your sleep.

Bye 👋

With love

- Author.

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