Chapter 21

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Yoongi picked up Aera in his arms.

He went to her room and laid her down on her bed and tucked her in.

"Sleep well, kitten", he said as he caressed her forehead.

He looked at the window and saw the beginning stage of a storm.

He closed her curtains and went through the balcony door.

He was standing there, staring at the dark clouds, like the same way his mind was clouded with dark thoughts.

The past events replayed on his head.

'I won't let anything happen to my siblings',he thought to himself

The time passed by, as he stood there.

He could hear Aera's room door being opened and closed.

He thought it might be one of his brothers.

He forgot about the whole Choi Sungmin situation, as his mind was already messed up.

He came from the balcony expecting to see one of his brothers, but he froze seeing Choi Sungmin.

He was inching closer to Aera's bed.

Yoongi mentally killed himself for his carelessness.

He came out of his thoughts when he saw the old man talking to himself.

'You bloody fucking bastard! We trusted you! Our father trusted you!', he wanted to shout at him, but held back for the sake of his sister.

His hands automatically went to the gun on his waistband.

He pressed it against his head and caught his hand before it can go near his sister.

"Move", he growled lowly through gritted teeth as he pushed Sungmin out of Aera's room.

He closed her door as he pushed Sungmin down.


It was a rare sight to see the calm and collected Yoongi, enraged.

In an instant his brothers were out of their room.

Seeing Yoongi's state and Sungmin's position, they could sense whatever happened was not good.

Taehyung and Jungkook dragged Sungmin away.

"Jimin, bring it", Yoongi ordered.

Jimin rushed away to the room were Choi Sungmin was staying, without saying anything.

They all knew, angered Yoongi was no good.

Yoongi felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down Yoongi-ah, Aera is a door away",Jin whispered.

Yoongi closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He opened his eyes to see Jimin running to him.

Jimin handed him the secret recorder.

No matter, how much close you are with the Kim's, how much you showed them you love them, they won't be dumb enough to trust you blindly.

They learnt this, the hard way.

They all went towards the meeting room.

Jungkook and Taehyung came rushing in.

Yoongi played the footage in the recorder.

Namjoon broke the laptop.

No one says anything to him, not even Jin.

They couldn't hear anymore.

They didn't want to know anymore.

Namjoon broke everything within his sight.

His eyes were red, due to anger.

He can do anything, to keep her safe.

Taehyung just sat down with tears running down his cheeks.

Why can't people see women as a human being?

Why can't they understand that every women has the same thing, but in different tones and sizes?

Was it that interesting to the point, that you can't see the girl supposed to be your daughter as a daughter?

Was it her fault that she was born as a girl?

Was it her fault that he had some beauty?

What's her fault?

Jin stood there with no emotions in his eyes.

She maybe a baby for their eyes.

She maybe a child according to them.

But people already started to see her as a girl, as a woman, as a source of pleasure.

But he won't change anything for anyone.

She was his baby.

She was their baby.

The one who needed to change wasn't her, wasn't them.

It's the disgusting, so called, 'grown up people', who knew good and bad, were the ones, who needed to change.

He already became a monster to save his siblings, now he won't hesitate to become a devil to protect his sister.

Jimin sat down, clutching his head, feeling utterly disgusted.

He was a fuckboy.

He was a man who enjoys sex.

But he never once in his life, saw other women with ill intentions.

All his encounters were mutual.

He wouldn't touch a girl's hair without her permission.

Here, his sister is being harassed without her knowledge.

He remembered how conscious his sister was about her dressing, last night, just because of a single person.

And he will not be sitting quietly, sobbing.

He will avenge his sister.

Yoongi leaned against the table, his eyes staring into the void.

Only a brother will know the worth of his sister.

Only he knows how much she meant to him.

Only he knows how much her smiles, laughs, hugs, cuddles and kisses meant to him.

Only he knows how her tears affects him.

And only he knows, how will the bastard suffer.

Jungkook punched the wall.


His eyes held tears not from the pain of his hand, but from the pain of his heart.

They shared the same womb.

She was his little, baby sister, although she was just 2 years younger than him.

She was his cute little bunny.

He will show to the Choi Sungmin, that how much possessive and protective, this muscle bunny can get for his baby bunny.

Hoseok's face fell as well as his heart.

She was his lucky charm.

She was as innocent as a baby.

They have done so much to protect her.

Does a woman's body matters that much?

She was not a woman yet.

She was practically an underaged minor.

No matter, what's the age, will women be only a plaything?

Only a pleasure point?

Only a prey?

He will make sure to teach the bastard wrong.

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