Chapter 36

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It has been amazing these past few days. We have grown closer, and the distance between us is disappearing. Today is our last night before we head back home. After dinner, we headed to Vivian's bed, cuddled, and make out.
When Vivian asked to take it to the next level, I was over the moon. I told her that even if she felt slight pain or discomfort, we would stop right at that moment. The way she moans my name in pleasure is all I need in my life. After mating, she told me that she wanted to mark me. I would have let her do it the very first day we met. I gave her the go-ahead, and she marked me. Everyone will know that I belong to her. We were both exhausted, so we called it a night.
We had a late morning. After breakfast, we said our goodbyes to the cabin and headed home. I ordered James to decorate the house for Vivian's arrival. She was surprised to see the whole house decorated. We rested for a while. Clara told me that she wanted to meet Vivian in the afternoon. I didn't want to disturb them, so I headed to the pack house.
"Alpha Theodore is glowing. What's the secret of this glow? Oh my god, Vivian marked you. Congratulations, Alpha Theodore. I am so happy for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world." James expressed his happiness and came for a brotherly hug.
"It took you a long time to see the mark. I even unbuttoned the top three buttons so that people could see the mark. You are slow, James. Your words mean a lot to me. This coming Saturday, we are going to have a celebration and introduce Vivian as the Luna of the Nightfall Pack. There is no limit on the budget. Let's go, James. We have a party to prepare." With that, we left the office and headed home to take suggestions from my family.

I was exhausted from the night. Theo went to meet James. He informed me that Clara would come to visit me. I was lying in bed when the door opened. I looked at the intruder, knowing full well that the intruder was Clara. Before I said anything, she jumped into bed and hugged me.
"You are glowing, Vi. Father marked you. I am so happy for both of you." Clara expressed her joy, holding me in a tight hug.
"Thank you, Clara. It means a lot. Congratulations! You found your mate. I am so happy that your crush, Jason, is your mate. How are things going between you?" I asked her, knowing from the expression that she was so happy with her mate. Theo has mentioned to me that Clara's mate is Jason.
"Everything is going smooth like butter," she responded. I could see the mischief in her eyes. She giggled and told me about her future plan. Jason is the future beta of the Nightfall pack. We were catching up with each other. Clara is giving me tips to spice up the bedroom when, all of a sudden, she goes silent.
"I beg your pardon, mother. We can't have this inappropriate conversation."

I face-palmed myself. I looked at her face to see whether she was serious or not. She looks serious, not her usual self. I raised my eyebrows.
"Vi, you are my mother now."
"No, I am not."
"You are mated to my father."
"So what?"
"That makes you my mother, Vi."
"No, I am too young to be a mother."
"I beg your pardon, mother. I called you Vi."
"Clara, please stop it. You are freaking me out."
Clara burst into laughter. She told me that she was pulling my legs. Theo and James came to discuss the event, introducing me as Luna to the pack. I would be lying if I said I was not nervous to be a Luna. It is a huge responsibility.
We all sat in the living room, sipping tea and throwing out ideas about the event. Clara looked at me and said, "Mother, when are we going to buy the outfit for the event?" Theo and James choked on the tea. They were glaring at Clara. I knew she was doing this on purpose. Theo is giving her a death stare. If stares could kill, then Clara would be six feet under.
"Clara, stop it. You are making Vivian uncomfortable," Theo spat his words, annoyed with Clara.
"Don't worry, father. Vivian. Sorry. Mother is okay with that. I always wanted a mother. You know I prayed day and night to the Moon Goddess for a beautiful and loving mother. Look, she granted my wish." Clara responded, maintaining her innocent look.
Theo and James were speechless. They just looked at Clara. Theo looks in my direction for an answer, but I avoid him. The room is in pin-drop silence. No one is saying anything. Theo and James are too stunned to speak a word, whereas Clara looks like a sweet, innocent child. Clara bursts out laughing, breaking the silence. She looked at Theo and James and said, "You have to see your face. I was joking. We have an event to plan. Get back to work."
The day has come way earlier than I expected. Today Theo is going to introduce me as Luna of the Nightfall Pack. I am a nervous wreck. Clara is comforting me by saying that everything will be okay. Everyone will love me. Her words are helping, but being Luna is one of the biggest responsibilities. I don't know if I am capable of being Luna of the Nightfall Pack.
"Clara, Jason is looking for you. I will take Vivian from here. You can leave and help James with the last-minute preparation," Theo said. Clara left the room, leaving me with Theo.
"Theo, I am scared. What if I mess up? I don't know if I have what it takes to be Luna of the Nightfall Pack." I blurted my words out. I was on the verge of tears when Theo held me for a hug. We hugged for a while without speaking a word. Theo caressed my face and lifted my chin so that I could look into his eyes.
"Don't underestimate yourself. You have what it takes to be Luna. I will always be there for you, my love. Let's take one step at a time. We are going to celebrate you being Luna. Everyone will love you. If they don't, I can take care of that." He winked at me. I felt less anxious than before. James mind-linked us to make an entrance. We made our entrance to the stage. Pack members were clapping and hooting for us. It feels surreal.
Theo raised his hand to indicate silence. He talked in his alpha voice, unlike his normal voice. "I would like to introduce Vivian as Luna of the Nightfall Pack. I expect all of you to give her the same love and respect as you did for me all these years. Make yourselves comfortable and enjoy the party." Everybody unanimously yelled, "We love her."

We greeted and chit-chatted with the pack members. I am so honored that they welcomed me. Theo pulled me aside and took me outside of the event. We strolled around the garden and sat on the bench nearby. A better way to end the night is by expressing my love for him.
"I love you, Theo."

"I love you too, Vivian."
🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀THE END 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

(Thank you for reading Moonbound. This is my first book. I hope you enjoy reading it. Please vote and comment down on from which part of the earth you are reading this book and your opinion related to the book.)

I love you. 💗

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