Chapter 20

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I made a grave mistake when I killed Alpha Theodore. Now, I am running away to save my life. It is just a couple of hours before my head is chopped off from my body. I am running like a chicken without its head.

My stomach is growling, but I can't take the risk of resting and searching for food. I curse myself for not bringing any food. I was thirsty, so I searched for a water source. There is a nonexistent water stream where you can see the mud underneath. I decided to quench my thirst. I regret drinking the water. It tasted more like mud than water. I can't remember how many times I have cried since yesterday.

It was early in the morning when I woke up and saw the ghost. It wasn't a ghost, but Alpha Theodore. I am glad that he is alive. I passed out from exhaustion. I woke up and found myself in what seemed like a prison. It is a small, dark room with no windows. There isn't a bed. I am lying on the cold ground with an old blanket. I was trying to figure out where I was when suddenly a voice came from the cell next to me. "You were out for hours."
I looked in the direction of the voice and saw a person. I was hesitant to speak, but he followed up with another question. "What did you do to end up here?"

"I did something I shouldn't have done," I responded with a vague answer. I don't think it is the right time to say that I tried to kill Alpha.

Okay. I won't press you to answer me. The only way to end up in prison is when you do something that you thought was a brilliant plan but turns out to be a grave mistake. He finished with a laugh.
We are in prison, but he is laughing. It won't be long before our heads are chopped off from our bodies. I don't have anything better to do, so I decided to have a chat with him.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Samuel. What about you?" He questioned me, looking at me.

Vivian. It's nice to meet you, although we met in this situation. What did you do to end up here?

"The first mistake I made was being born to a wolf and a human."

I looked at him in confusion. Why would a human step into the Nightfall Pack when Alpha murdered the entire human tribe just because they refused to surrender? He is lucky to be alive. So you are half human and half wolf, right? I questioned him. It is my first time meeting a human being.

I am human. I don't have a wolf. For your question, there is a medicinal herb that is only found in the Nightfall Pack, so I came here for the herb. Everything was going according to plan, but I got greedy, so I decided to collect other herbs. That's when they caught me and threw me here. I have been here for 5 days. It's not bad. They feed you once a day. I heard Beta James is a compassionate person. So if you haven't committed a serious crime, he will let you go after a while. His response gave me hope that I wouldn't be tortured.
We talked for hours. I was getting sleepy, so I decided to sleep. It is cold, and the blanket is not helping to keep me warm. I was shivering from the cold when he gave me his blanket. I was thankful, but he must be cold too.

"Aren't you going to get cold?'' I asked him with concern.

This is what a gentleman does. I am used to harsh sleeping situations, so this cold will not do anything to me. He replied, which made me aware that he didn't have an easy life. This man has been through a lot of hardship.

Good morning, Vivian. How was your sleep? He said it with his honey-sweet voice.

I can listen to his voice all day. It was okay. Thank you for lending me your blanket. At what time do they serve food? I asked him.

"They will serve food in an hour." He responded.

We talked about our lives. He told me about his family. I didn't give him my real identity because I am ashamed of what I have done.

The guards serve us food. It is rice, boiled chicken, and an apple. Why are they serving food like this? How am I going to survive with this food? I looked at Samuel, and he was devouring his food. I decided to try my food. It is edible, but not good.

"You come from money."


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