Chapter 23

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I knew something was wrong with her. The doctor just confirmed my suspicion: Vivian is a half-breed. I can't believe I'm mated to a half-breed. The Moon Goddess must be punishing me for all the crimes I've committed.
Alpha Denise is getting on my nerves with his constant nagging to see his daughter, whom I've been avoiding. After getting the news about her being a half-breed, it was the right time to have a conversation with Alpha Denise to get all the answers.
"So, Alpha Denise, when were you going to tell me that Vivian is a half-breed? Is she your child?" I asked him, but he wasn't in the mood to give an answer. Instead, he was more interested in knowing about her well-being.
"Where is Vivian? What did you do with her? I want to meet her. I'll go away; just, for God's sake, let me meet her once," Alpha Denise pleaded. But I was in no mood to hear his talk, so I asked him one last time, "Is Vivian your child or not?"
Alpha Denise looked defeated and replied, "Vivian is adopted. We found her outside the border of our pack land. We loved her like our own. It doesn't matter whether she's human, half-breed, or wolf. Do you have a problem with her being a half-breed? If that's a problem, then you can reject her." His last sentence made my blood boil; how could he say to reject her?
I picked up his collar to see the face of a person who can say absurd things like that. Out of nowhere, Daniel attacked me. Before I could hit him back, James pounded him to the ground. It was a messy blood trail. I have to give it to Daniel that he put up a good fight with James, who is one of the best warriors we have.
With all the information I have, I decided to make a visit to meet Vivian and give her a little surprise to turn her life upside down. She looked frail, but her attitude was the same as before. After telling her the truth, she didn't believe me, which I expected. Why would she believe me? So I brought her father to reveal the truth, but he was no help. After lots of tears, the family reunion came to an end when Alpha Denise revealed that indeed Vivian is adopted, and he's not her real father. Thank the Moon Goddess that he revealed the truth; otherwise, this family reunion was getting on my nerves, and I was bored from all the crying sessions. This family is dramatic.
Vivian didn't take the news too well. She went into a frantic state, in denial that her whole life was a lie. I told the guards to take her back to her cell so that she could process all the information at her own pace without interference from outsiders.
Alpha Denise and Daniel went back to their pack; they had overstayed. It was time to head back home. After their departure, I decided to return to the cell to meet Vivian. She was sleeping, so I chose not to disturb her. It has been a long day for her.

"Can I have a word with you, Alpha? I want to have a talk with you as your friend, not as your beta." James voice brought me back to reality: he is going to ask me a question, which I am dreading to answer.

I am not going to reject her. She is half-breed, but at the same time, she is my only chance to have a mate, whom I have accepted with my whole heart. You know that only a few wolves are blessed by the Moon Goddess to have a second chance. I am thinking of letting her come back to the house on the day of the Moon Festival. I know it will be a long journey for us, but we will make it work. I gave him my answer and left before he bombarded me with questions.
Finally, the day has come for Vivian to come back home. She will be staying here forever. I was daydreaming about our happily ever after when all of a sudden James mindlinked, informing me that there had been a security breach at the border.

James has taken it upon himself to organize the Moon Festival, making it perfect. He wants to show other packs how to throw a party like the NightFall Pack. He has overexhausted himself with all the preparation. I tell him to take a break because we are going to have a long night and let me handle the issue.

When everything is going well, something bad is going to happen.

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