Chapter 30

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"What do you mean by Alpha Theodore is in the Moonstone Pack?" I asked Maria, but she looks as confused as I am.

"The messenger told me that your father will contact us after everything calms down. It looks like a storm is coming, so we have to prepare for the worst. I'll gather all the members so that we can come up with a plan. Don't worry; this place is well protected from spells. Go sleep now. We will discuss the plan tomorrow." Maria gave me assurance, but I can see fear in her eyes. We are fighting with the devil.
I had a hard time falling asleep. I hardly slept for two hours. I woke up and went to meet Maria. She was talking with other members, nodded in my direction, and I waited for the others to leave so that we could have a conversation.
"We can run away from here. Oh, wait, I mean, you guys can run away from here. You will never find peace if I am with you. Wherever I go, I create a problem. I am a burden. I will go to the Nightfall Pack and stop everything. I will not let him harm anyone," I blurted with tears in my eyes. I controlled my tears, but the moment Maria hugged me tightly, I couldn't hold back, sobbing until I ran out of tears.
"Oh, my sweet child. You are ready to sacrifice yourself. You don't have to worry. Everything is under control," Maria said with a motherly tone, unexpected from her usual demeanor. Maria never shows her motherly side, but today is an exception.
It has already been five days since the news of Alpha Theodore in the Moonstone Pack. We don't have any information about what happened. If things got worse, we would have heard the news, but we didn't. It means that everything went well. I just want to go back to the pack and be with my family.
"Vivian, what are you thinking about? Vivian, I am talking to you. Look at me." Lizzy pinched my cheek to bring me back from my thoughts.
"Lizzy, it hurts. Why would you do that?" I said, faking an ouch. She looked at me with doe eyes and apologized. I pinched her cheek lightly. "We are equal now, Lizzy."
She smiled back. Lizzy was wearing a pendant. She didn't have it yesterday. "You got a new pendant, Lizzy?"
"Maria gave it to everyone. She said that if everything goes south, then we eat the herb inside the pendant. It will help us go to sleep. Apparently, we are going south. I am excited to go south. Have you been to the South? It is forbidden to eat the herb before Maria tells us to eat it. You should ask Maria for your own pendant," Lizzy said innocently. She doesn't know what is coming her way. I will not let anyone hurt her. I have a feeling this herb will make you go to sleep in heaven. I bid goodbye to Lizzy and headed to Maria's hut.
"Maria, you told me everything was okay. Then why are you giving people herbs that make them go to sleep? Are we under attack?" I spat my words.
"Vivian, watch your tone. We both know that if Alpha Theodore attacks us, we will die. He is known to torture before killing. These people have already been through a lot. I want them to have a peaceful death without torture. It is our last resort. I will protect them till my last breath, but I don't want them to suffer like my family did. Pack your getaway bag with essentials. If there is an attack, you run away with that human boy. There is no room for argument, so leave my hut," Maria shooed me out. I can't believe she is calm when there is a storm coming towards us.
I went to my hut and saw Samuel packing a bag. He got the memo before me. I went near him and tapped on his shoulder to get his attention. He looked at me with tension.
"Pack your bag, Vivian. We will be leaving tomorrow. Maria told me to take you away from this place. No questions." With that, Samuel went back to packing his bag.
Maria told us to come to the common room. There were already people there. Maria came and addressed the crowd. She looked tensed, not her usual calm self.
"We are being attacked by the Nightfall Pack. We have all heard of his cruelty. As you all know, there is a herb inside your pendant. I hope we don't have to consume it. We have a few hours left before they break the spell. So I request that you pack your bags and leave. Only take the necessities. Please look after yourselves. I will stay here and fight back. I am sorry I failed to protect you," Maria said with tears in her eyes. I am the reason this is happening. Maria looked at us, and I could see fear in her eyes. Her next words confirmed it. "They broke the spell."
"Hello, everyone. I am Alpha Theodore. I came here for Vivian only, so you don't have to run away. I hope we get along."


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