Chapter 6

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Emily followed the orange tabby cat with a sense of trust that seemed to transcend the ordinary. Sam guided Emily towards the forest. The girl felt a shadow of unease thinking of following the cat into the woods. You are safe with me, Emily heard echoed in her head as Sam's small paws crossed the forest threshold.

As twilight descended, the cat's fur took on a vibrant hue against the dimness of the woods. With his orange glow, he led her confidently through the labyrinth of trees. Though the forest was shrouded in shadows, Emily found an odd comfort in Sam's presence. He moved with purpose, weaving through the trees as if he knew the secrets hidden within the darkness.

As they ventured deeper, Emily noticed that the woods, which initially felt dense and foreboding, seemed to part effortlessly for the pair. It was as if nature itself recognized the cat as a guide, allowing them to traverse the otherwise unnavigable terrain.

Sam himself was transforming. Emily wasn't sure if it was a trick of the light within the dark woods, but Sam seemed to grow in size. He was no longer a small tabby, but towered over the forest floor as tall as a mountain lion. When he looked back to make sure that Emily was still following, his eyes gleamed with an otherworldly wisdom, and Emily, though initially startled, sensed an undeniable connection.

Almost there, the voice echoed and Emily saw a blue and green light in the distance. There looked to be a clearing ahead.

As twilight cast its shadows on the forest, Emily and Sam entered a forest grove that seemed to exist on the edge of day and night. After the darkness of the woods, the grove unfolded like a secret haven bathed in the soft, dim glow of twilight. Tall, gnarled trees with twisted branches stood sentinel, their leaves rustling with a whispering melody that seemed to resonate with ancient secrets. As they moved deeper into the twilight grove, the air thickened with anticipation, and Emily couldn't help but feel awe, terror, and adoration.

Stay here, Emily heard Sam's voice in her head, as the large animal trotted towards the trees.

Emily wondered at Sam's transformation. From a tabby to a mountain lion in a few moments. Her head suddenly swam with images of the large wolf, Morgan, with the orange cat lifeless in his mouth. This is crazy, she thought feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by these events. The ground beneath her seemed to give as she slumped down under the weight of this realization.

She didn't have long to ruminate before a figure emerged from the woods and started walking confidently towards her. She saw that this was a boy about her age with sunset orange hair. When he saw her slumped on the ground he ran towards her.

"Emily! Are you okay?" His tone was worried and tender. Emily felt a sense of recognition and as the boy came closer, Emily saw the same green eyes and recognized the colouring of the boy's hair as that of Sam's fur.

"Sam?" She asked feeling both excited and terrified to know the answer.

"Yeah!" Sam grinned. "Not bad, eh?" He said and ran his fingers through his hair. There was an air of playfulness around him and Emily couldn't help but feel immediately at ease.

"I am feeling very overwhelmed right now," said Emily. "Transforming wolfs and cats... it's too much."

"I am sorry that you had to meet Morgan on your own. He is a piece of work," said Sam and his expression became grave.

"I don't understand any of this," said Emily. "All I did was save a cat."

"You saved a dryad," said Sam and grinned. "And you fought off a druid... somehow." Sam's expression turned thoughtful. "You are different, but you already knew that. I don't understand it, but I was as good as dead back then. There's no way you could have fought off Morgan... wolf or not... and yet...," he trailed off thoughtfully.

"What is going on?" Emily interrupted feeling exhausted again. She looked at Sam pleadingly, searching for answers.

"Okay, okay!" He said and sat down next to Emily. "Let me start at the beginning."

* * *
"This grove and this forest stood here before people even existed," said Sam looking around him. "But you already knew that. That's the one thing about you humans, you are able to see your insignificance, but you don't always acknowledge it," he looked at Emily and smiled.

"I was born of this grove, it is shrouded by ancient magic and guarded by the god of nature himself - Sylvos. In a way, he is my father. Sylvos is an ancient and greedy god. He is driven by desire to be worshipped and a need for unwavering obedience from his followers. Just as in ancient times he is partial to sacrifices both human and animal. But, times have changed and those are hard to come by. People subverted the natural order. You, in essence, became gods of nature. You are not very good at it," Sam said gloomily, "but that's a different issue."

"Sylvos always had a servant. A chosen Druid to ensure total obedience of his worshipers. These men and women have always been human, but he granted them the command of nature and a promise of immortality."

"Has he ever made good on his promise?" Asked Emily.

"No, each Druid ever selected somehow angered him or disobeyed him. Morgan is the latest in the long line of people that pissed off Sylvos. Morgan wants to be free of servitude. He sees Sylvos as tyrannical. I can't say that I completely disagree with him there, but Morgan is a tyrant himself.

Unlike the previous Druids who walked among the people freely and were even regarded with high status, Morgan is forced to live in the shadows. This forest is dangerous and not many will venture here. It isn't a fun place for recreational activities," Sam said with a smile that did not reach his eyes. "And Morgan is the reason."

"Morgan'a job is to ensure that the forest remains protected and that Sylvos gets his sacrifice," Sam paused and looked at Emily. His green eyes holding her's with intensity.

"The lost hikers," Emily said in half a whisper.

"And often those foolish enough to search for them," Sam continued. "Morgan wants out. He is done doing Sylvos' bidding. He wants to be free."

"So, Morgan wants it all to stop. What's so bad about that?" Asked Emily.

"He wants more than that. He wants to see this forest... this grove... destroyed," Sam said sadly. "As much as I disagree with Sylvos, I am bound to him and to this forest. If Morgan's plan works, I will die. Everything here will die. I see Morgan's side, but I also love this forest. It's untouched, timelessly beautiful, it's a refuge. Don't you think?" Sam paused and looked around him. His eyes reflecting the greenery of the trees.

Emily looked around her. Light filtered through the intricate lattice of leaves overhead, painted a patchwork of luminescence upon the mossy ground. Towering trees, their trunks adorned with age-old carvings, formed a protective embrace around the grove. The air itself carried a subtle symphony of earthy scents—a delicate mixture of pine, damp soil, and the sweet perfume of wildflowers, even in December. The grove seemed to hum with life - vibrant and endless.

"I hear you, and I see what you mean about this place, but what Sylvos is asking Morgan to do is wrong. Isn't there anything that can be done to help him?" Emily asked.

"Morgan sealed his fate when he chose to be a Druid," said Sam and his eyes became cold. "Yes, he had a choice. He cannot be freed, he cannot die unless Sylvos allows it. He is stuck. His only hope is to destroy this forest and anger Sylvos enough so that he can be granted a swift death."

"In this game of gods and druids...I don't belong," Emily said quietly. "I feel helpless."

"You are here for a reason, Emily. You stood up to Morgan and won. He killed countless, but not you. That day when you saw him on the road, then again outside of your house and again at school. Those were all opportunities he had and lost... no, chose not to pursue. Why? There's something about you, Emily."

Emily looked into Sam's green eyes. His face bore slight feline features visible in the slightly sharp edges of his face, otherwise, he looked completely human. She still didn't fully understand her situation and the world that has been thrusted upon her, but just as before, she had a strong desire to protect Sam. "I'll help you as much as I can," she said in a shaky voice.

"I wouldn't expect any less," said Sam and smiled.

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