Chapter 9 | Free American Healthcare Doesn't Exist

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Peafowl had been absolutely correct, Owl later thought. Marilyn hadn't warned them about the nurses, who'd decided that the Flock was being a bunch of babies because they wanted to stick together. They had complied with the nurse's request of no weapons, not entirely however, (Owl had three of her smaller knives hidden on her), but when the nurses had tried to pull Canary into an exam room and tried refusing to allow even Peafowl in, Owl had to pull out her knives until they agreed that everyone may come in pairs although the nurses were definitely reluctant if the way they kept her in their line of sight at all times was any indication. In the end, they paired up, and Owl was starting to wish she'd never entered a Stronghold, because the nurse who looked over her for her examination gave her pitying looks every time Owl turned her head to talk to Falcon. It didn't get better when the nurse started to fill out their new medical files.

"Alright, names please?" The nurse, whose name tag claimed her as Mary, asked.

"Owl and Falcon, the last name is Flock," Owl replied, sitting beside her brother on a cot.

"Real names, please." Nurse Mary requested with a smile.

"Those are the only names you will be getting out of us, now will you continue or should we leave because this doesn't seem all that productive," Owl replied simply.

"Fine. Date of birth?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

"October thirty-first, two-zero-one-four," Owl replied.

"Blood type?" Mary asked.

"O negative," Owl told her before she turned back to the game of rock-paper-scissors Falcon had started.

"Alright, any allergies?" Mary asked, looking down at the papers in front of her.

"Falcon has a minor peanut allergy, but it's normally just a rash that goes away quickly, other than that nothin'," Owl told her.

"Alright, we'll be taking a blood sample from each of you, it's just to see if there are any differences between you and kids who have not been bit so far. I'm guessing you've all been bit, correct?" Mary asked.

"All but Canary, though she's gotten scratches from those things," Owl replied.

"Good, it'll be but a moment, just relax. Would you like a stress ball to squeeze?" Mary asked.

"No," Owl replied and stretched out her right arm onto the table beside the cot.

"Alright. This should take just a moment." Mary told her, before tying a rubber band near her shoulder. Barely a minute later Mary had smoothly injected a needle and filled two vials before pulling out the needle and covering the now bleeding poke with a tan bandaid. She pulled out a bit of masking tape and wrote down 'Owl Flock' along with the date before she placed the vials on a rack and pulled out two more.

"Alright, would you like a stress ball?" Mary asked, this time, however, Falcon obliged her and was nervously messing around with the stress ball as Mary tied the rubber band. In a moment, she had two more filled and labeled vials which she placed on the rack.

"Alright, now's the easier bit, we'll send you down to get new clothes because your guys' clothes can't even be used as rags, you'll come back for a photo and then we'll call Marilyn and if you've been cleared you'll be given your schedules along with some things she'll have to explain to you," Mary told them, leading them outside of the examination room where they met up with the others.

Mary wasn't wrong about their clothes, the only reason they were still wearing them was that Peafowl had stitched them back together, and even then it wasn't that good due to their low amounts of thread. Of the Flock members, only Canary and Eagle had passable clothing, and even then that wasn't by much.

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