Chapter 3 | Welcome To The Nest

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Despite the obvious routes (though Owl did say they'd most certainly die if they went those ways and they'd all prefer to have a few more minutes to blow air through the old windpipe if you'd asked them), they followed Owl's directions. Luckily Eagle's wound didn't open up but they had close calls, especially when a rat ran past Canary, and if Falcon hadn't covered her mouth the nearby Mimicry horde would've come running for a fresh snack.

The Flock, as it turned out had turned a former apartment building into their fortress, each window was boarded up with a thin line of sight in the center to look out of, and with windows on each side, they had perfect vision on all sides. Eagle could see each door on every floor was locked and a key for each was kept on a hook beside each door. On the top floor, each door had been removed and some walls had been knocked down to make it seem more roomy, but four rooms were still sectioned off. There were candles and large piles of firewood in the main room with armchairs and couches surrounding it, and by the makeshift fireplace were bowls for pets which caused Eagle to pause in confusion. A moment later he watched as Falcon coaxed a fox kit, a small snake, and a large brown lizard out of Owl's bag and near the fire where they curled up together, other than the large brown lizard which stuck its legs into the air and kept its eyes open though it's breathing slowed, he looked around confused but no one seemed worried.

"Eagle, you can take room five-oh-three. Five-oh-four is Peafowl and Canary's, Five-oh-five is the Twins and Five-oh-six is mine." Buzzard commented, helping Owl, Peafowl, and Falcon unpack their new supplies. Eagle simply nodded, exhausted. He'd only been up for at most an hour but he was exhausted, they'd had to stop multiple times to dodge zombies and gangs, which made his muscles ache and when he started moving again he'd stretch his arm too far and hiss from the sting of the bite.

Room Five-oh-three was painted a light blue color it was small but had the bare necessities, most of which could no longer be used, he shrugged his bag off his shoulder and onto his bed, he hesitated before leaning his weapon against the bedside table and climbed beneath the covers, he was tired and he had no doubt Terrorem would return at some point and judging by the Flock they wouldn't leave him out in the cold, hopefully. His final thoughts were lamenting on the fact that he definitely should've stayed awake because he did not know these people before he fell deep into the best sleep he'd gotten in months.

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When Eagle woke up it was due to Buzzard shaking him telling him it was time to eat. As soon as Eagle opened his eyes Buzzard had left, the door wide open and Eagle could see out the window, the sun was setting, meaning he'd been asleep for at least five or six hours. He walked out of Room Five-oh-three rubbing the sleep from his eyes and grimacing. Canary was loudly asking about the differences between each "Generation" of zombies while Owl calmly explained. Eagle decided to listen in because he'd never bothered to learn the differences, only that the only way to kill them was to destroy the brain and that anything else only slowed them down.

"Slugfeet more commonly referred to as Sluggies or Slugs were the first to appear, they look like rotting slime balls because they're rapidly decomposing, they were the first zombies to appear, the first sightings were in Mexico during July 2028. By the time Slugfeet reached America, they'd started to mutate and Walkers were created. Walkers aren't decomposing nearly as fast but they're not that much better speed-wise. Sprintstalks came next, unlike Walkers and Slugfeet, Sprintstalks can run, although their coordination isn't all that good and they can't make sharp turns. Then there are Mimicries, they're almost like average humans, except they can replicate voices they hear and use them against humans to lure them into a trap, like a Siren's Song." Owl explained to Canary, who was practically vibrating in front of her.

"Oh! Can you and Fal tell more Greek stories?" Canary asked excitedly.

"Not tonight, tonight we're reading The Hunger Games!" Owl replied, grinning. Canary's smile faltered before she started grilling Owl about The Hunger Games but Eagle turned them out, viewing the conversation as boring.

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