Chapter 6 - Arranged

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Hinata felt a jolt surge through her body...when she heard what Neji said.
"I was the target....? "
His statement... left everyone dumbstruck.
Wanting an answer Kakashi asked Neji what was going on.

With an anxious look Neji explained that the scroll was never stolen and that the entire guarding shinobis were under genjutsu.
Kakashi, Hinata and Naruto couldn't believe that they all played right where the enemy wanted them to be.

It seems that a guard had hid himself in the secret chamber when the enemy attacked. Once you get inside the secret chamber it only let's you out after three days.
"Was there any information found?!!" Kakashi inquired but sadly there was none as the guard fell unconscious after informing the Hogage.
Considering the timing of the invitation the Hogage suspected that it was Hinata and sent Sai to inform their team as soon as they could.

"We're glad my daughter is unharmed"
Hiashi said with a sense of relief and without delay Hinata was sent home with her father and Neji.
She headed home whilst Naruto and Kakashi were both assigned to a new mission......-to find the culprit!

At the interrogation unit

" That was the last one ", Sasuke said turning his Sharingan off.
He was working with the Morino Ibiki in the interrogation centre to find the culprit.
"Every bit of information from that night has been completely erased !!",
Sasuke yelled with a sigh.
Sasuke was the head of this mission and he was frustrated for not finding any information yet.

Hinata was someone special for Sasuke , he truly cared about her. They got to know each other when she served at the hospital in place of Sakura once who was out on another mission to find medicinal herbs.

For a month Hinata took over Sasuke's treatment and helped his wounds.
Hinata's everyday trips to the hospital with her hair tied in a bun, her flowing dresses , kind and caring nature had caught Mr Uchiha's eye and he continued to be friends with her even after his treatment was over.


Sasuke was all messed up right now.... he even made three trips to the scroll chamber but nothing was there.
Just then "Sasuke....." a familiar voice called him from behind.
It was Naruto along with Kakashi.

"Is Hinata back ?", Sasuke asks without even caring why they were here.
"Yeah ... she went home with her family some minutes ago" Naruto replied.
"I see....I need to go see her ..." Sasuke sprinted off.
"Wait Sasuke!! Don't you have work here?' Naruto questioned stopping Sasuke.

"I need to see if she is really there is nothing here so I'll ask her some questions anyway." Sasuke answered and moved towards the door.
*Tap tap tap * (sounds of footsteps)

Suddenly a person came running and stood at the door looking for someone, he had white eyes like Neji.
The guard locked eyes with Kakashi.
"Kakashi?!! Please follow me .......your presence is requested by Hiashi sama at the Hyuga mansion"

Kakashi was clueless but he did as he was asked,
"Hai...." Kakashi answered and followed the man.
Sasuke joined Kakashi...
"Heyy Sasuke what about me?"
Naruto yelled from behind
"Stay back I'll tell you later" Sasuke answered before leaving.

The Hyuga mansion

Sasuke stopped following the man halfway inside the Hyuga mansion.
He took a detour and headed towards Hinata's room to check on her.
"Sasuke...." Kakashi called him but in an instant Sasuke was gone.

Kakashi just let him be and followed the guard which led him to a room.
Inside the room Hinata's father, Hiashi was seated in await for Kakashi.
Hinata on the other hand had been isolated all alone in her room.
She was asked to rest and not leave the room.

"Hinata!!" Sasuke suddenly opened the door.
He sees hinata sitting on the floor with her knees held in her arms.
"Sasuke ....what are you doing here ?" Hinata asked taken by surprise by his presence.
"I'm gladdd you're alive ...." Sasuke murmured.
"Huh?...Sasuke ... ofcourse I'm alive", she smiled

His hands clenched, he rushed down as quick as he could and hugged Hinata.
"Baka! baka !!...." He yelled at her.
"Sasuke ah-...see I-I'm really okay you see.... don't worry"
Hinata replied overwhelmed by his hug .

She could hardly breathe.
"For a while....stay like this Hinata you don't know how scared I was when-"
He said pulling her closer
She realised Sasuke was genuinely worried and gave in to his hug.

Just then Kakashi enters Hinata's room.
He sees Sasuke passionately hugging Hinata from behind.
Narrowing his eyes he crossed his arms.
Sasuke sensed Kakashi and immediately pulled himself away from Hinata.

" come you don't knock ?" Sasuke asked annoyed by his presence and composed himself.
"Oh was I interrupting something..? "
Kakashi asks with a disinterested look.

"No", Sasuke answers and leaves the room
"A-Ahh....Sasuke was just happy I'm back and hugged me nothing else's happened", Hinata explained to Kakashi.
Kakashi answers uninterested.
He took Hinata's hand and looked at her
"Ka..   kashi?"

He looked at her and there was silence. He didn't understand what this feeling he was feeling.
He decides to break the tension and with her hand he pulled her outside her room and walked straight.
Halfway through the hall, he didn't say anything
"Ummo Sens-eii ...?
I- I'm not allowed to leave my room" Hinata tried telling Kakashi as he was pulling her away.

Kakashi suddenly stops and let go of her hand
She stared at his back clueless.
He turned around......"Gomen" was all he said before he opened the door.

Hinata's father was waiting in the room.
"Chichi we?" Hinata asked as she and Kakashi sat down on the opposite site of the table.
"Hinata......there's something I've decided on...... ", her father said.
After her father spoke,
Hinata looked at her dad in disbelief.
"Chichi...." Hinata questioned her father's statement
But Hiashi had already made up his mind and Hinata would have to respect his decision.
Kakashi leaves the room to let them talk further.
Time skip

Sasuke had come again to see Hinata that afternoon.
The light breeze and faint sunlight had made it's way through the door from the balcony into Hinata's was a peaceful afternoon.
Her room was almost empty now, all of her stuff was sent away.
Hinata was arranging her room for the last time too.
She hadn't spoken to Sasuke much this afternoon....
"Are you in trouble?" Sasuke asked seated on the carpet admiring the pine trees in her garden.

She replied that she was not in trouble but......Sasuke could tell she was lying.
She sat down next to him after her work was over.
"Are you really not going to tell me what's happening.......?" Sasuke asked again.
Hinata didn't answer him .....she stared at the warm cup of tea on the tray beside them.

She picked her cup and faked a smile which Sasuke could see through.
She had to tell him as he would find sooner or later.
"Sasuke....." A light breeze hits them .....
Her hair flowing with the wind.....Sasuke admired this sight of Hinata from the side.

"I'm leaving with Kakashi Sensei" Hinata finally speaks.
Sasuke was taken back by what he heard.
"Why...?" Sasuke asked in a confused tone......

"We're getting engaged " Kakashi Hatake answered from the door, he came to get Hinata.


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