Chapter 2 - Knight

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Hinata felt a strong grip on her wrist. She turns back, her eyes widened.
It was Kakashi but why was he back?
"Sensei?", she asked confused.
"Stand behind me Hinata", Kakashi said unfazed staring at the dark alley behind her.
Hinata immediately knew from his look that something was up and stood behind him.

"Ohh seems like your boyfriend has sensed us...tsk tsk tsk", one of the men who was hiding behind the post started.
Kakashi gives the man a serious look before he starts.
"What do you want?".
Another man from behind the first man came out of the shadows,
"That beauty behind.. she's what we want so if you're not looking for trouble you better turn a blind eye", he said rubbing his knuckles, the last guy came out following the other two, "well nothing's going to stop us from having our fun tonight, after meeting such a beauty i can't stop myself", he gave a disgusting look to Hinata.

Hinata felt uneasy and with discomfort in her eyes, she hid behind Kakashi's broad shoulders grabbing the fabric from his kimono.
Kakashi was already in rage. He gave them a chance to explain themselves but after hearing their intent, he wasn't going to hold back.

The first man goes,"It's three vs one an--", Kakashi clenched his fist and before that man could complete the sentence Kakashi landed a blow on his face, knocking the man out at once. The man hits the solid ground unconscious.
"FUCK!! he's down ", one of the man said. The two men looked at each other and started charging between the fight one of the man slipped, he pulled out a kunai from behind, and dashed towards Hinata.

Kakashi gets there before the man could lay a finger on Hinata and snaps his writs breaking his hand. The man's face was consumed in pain and he knelt down screaming. Kakashi pulls the man from the collar, looks at him in rage and throws him to the wall behind. The last guy takes a step back after what he saw.... Kakashi waits for him to make a move.

"BASTARD!! Don't underestimate me.", The man says as he throws some punches and flashy kicks at Kakashi but Kakashi blocks them all. Still no attack from Kakashi, until his fist hit the bridge of the man's nose, blood splattered all over the ground. These men were no match for Kakashi of the Sharingan.

Kakashi stood in front of them wondering if he should batter them even more. Hinata on the other hand stood there without uttering a word.
"These men were after me........", the realisation hits her that these men actually wanted to hurt her. The fear seeped into her mind.

"Are you okay?", Kakashi turned back to ask, then notices that Hinata was standing very still. She was trembling with wide eyes, frozen in silence. Kakashi couldn't help but feel bad for the girl and held her shaking hands trying to warm her. She doesn't talk. Kakashi doesn't throw soothing words at her, he can see that she's too shaken. He holds her in his embrace firmly. Hinata freezes but stays in his embrace. Closing her eyes she feels better somehow. His hold was so tight Hinata felt her fear fade away bringing her back to the present. When she finally seemed settled, Kakashi pats her head gently and lets go. He then summons his ninja dog to get some police ninja and hands the men in.

After seeing Hinata's reaction before Kakashi couldn't help but feel pity.
"Let me take you home", he says taking a step ahead.
Hinata simply nods her head and follows him. Kakashi was concerned about her. She seemed quite shaken before though he still felt a little heated thinking about those men .

"If I had not turned to take her home there-.....", Kakashi thought again.
"Sensei....", Hinata woke him up from his thoughts,
"Hmm....?" He replied.
"..........Thankyou", she said timidly. Kakashi stopped.
"Don't thank me Hinata, I will never forgive anyone who tries to hurt you like that", he looks at her serious and continues, "and you should never let your mind wander when you walk alone at night ever again".
Hinata doesn't speak, she only nods in response.

Kakashi turns back and starts walking infront of her again. After some time Hinata walks up to Kakashi and grabs the kimono fabric near his hand....... she stops walking and looks up at Kakashi who was staring down at her almost teary eyes. He looked at her in silence when she finally spoke,"Sen-nnsei......please don't tell anyone about what happened today.......... I can't have my Dad hear about this", she pleaded.
He looked at the look on her face confused, "your Dad?"
With a hesitant look Hinata tells him about her father.
"My father.....he sees me as a failure .....", she pauses to look down, "If he hears that someone had to save me, I think he would be more dissatisfied".

"Im weak afterall", she says trying her best to contain her tears.
Kakashi gazed down at her pearly eyes, in his mind he can tell she cares more about her father's expectations than herself even right now.
"You're not weak Hinata...... you have something most strong shinobis don't have, you have a strong heart, a heart that endures so you are not a failure, stop calling yourself that okay", Kakashi says in a comforting tone.

She gazes back to this man. Sudden tears started rolling down her cheeks, these were words she never heard from anyone......a reassuring feeling made her overwhelmed and she started tearing. He looked at her with a comforting smile and reached out his hand and wiped her tears. She looks at him with teary eyes, still sobbing she gives a small smile as his hands caressed her cheeks. A little blush appeared on Kakashi's face but he didn't let it show.

He takes her hand that was holding on to his kimono, "Let's get you home now".... he says not meeting her gaze.
He promises to keep what happened today a secret and the two gradually walk towards the Hyuga mansion.
Hinata feels comfort in his hands....and they slowly walk towards the gate still holding hands. Kakashi doesn't let go ....he doesn't even give the thought that someone might see them and misunderstand, he wanted to be there for her. He drops her till the gate and only then releases his hand.

"Head in Hinata", Kakashi looks at the beautiful girl one last time before heading home.
She nods her head and takes a step inside but turns back to look at him,
"Sensei..... what you said to me earlier", she wanted to thank him but was interrupted by a voice from inside the gate.
"About what?" Neji said raising his eye brow .
Neji came back to look for her from the festival a while ago.
Neji is a Jonin like Kakashi from the branch family of the Hyuga clan and he is supposed to protect Princess Hinata who was from the main family of the noble Hyuga clan.

"Sorry for interrupting but I have been looking for you Hinata-sama...where were you that you reached just now and why is Kakashi Sensei here?", Neji questioned as he looked at Kakashi and back to Hinata.
"I happened to drop her off after meeting her half way.....", Kakashi replied in his casual tone.
He felt something was off but he thanked him for dropping Hinata home.

Hinata stopped Neji from asking more questions. She obviously didn't want him to find out about what happened tonight. Neji was quite the protective type.
"H-haii....Sensei was only dropping let's head in Neji", she said and walked inside.
He was only about to ask more questions but decides he can ask Hinata later and heads back in with Lady Hinata after greeting their Sensei.
Kakashi also heads back home after this.

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