Noah's Picnic Potty Accident

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Noah was a 22 year old guy who was extremely shy and got embarrassed very easily. He wasn't the best with girls and he was a virgin until he met his now girlfriend, Maya.

Maya was a 22 year old woman. She is very different from Noah. She was confident, a social butterfly. She loved going out and meeting new people. But there was nothing she loved more than embarrassing her boyfriend.

Recently, Noah had been having issues with peeing the bed at night. It embarrassed him so much, no matter how many times Maya reassured him.

It got so bad that it started happening during the day. So, one day after work, Maya came home with diapers. Cute, thick, absorbent diapers.

Noah was hesitant, he didn't want to where the diapers, but when he peed himself 20 minutes later, he agreed.

He let Maya diaper him and coo at him as she did so. It was surprising comfortable.

They went to bed that night and woke with all his pee in his diaper. Maya changed him and told him that she was always right.

Fast forward to today. Maya and Noah planned a picnic a while ago and finally decided to go. They got dressed.

Maya put on floral sundress and white sandals before getting Noah dressed. She dressed him in cream button up, tan khakis over his diaper printed with bees, and converse.

"Do I have to wear the diaper?" Noah whined. "Surely I'll be okay for a couple hours."

"I changed to three times in the last few hours. So no, you're wearing the diaper." Maya reasoned, finishing getting him dressed "Lets go."

Noah doesn't argue as they leave the house in Maya's car. They drive to their secret spot, a nice secluded area you can't see from the road, and set up their picnic.

After that, they sit on the blanket and eat the food they'd made together the night before. They talk about work and random things.

After eating, Noah lays his head on Maya's lap. She plays with his hair as he talks about how mean his boss is.

Suddenly, he stops talking.

Maya's peaks open her eyes and asks what's wrong.

"Well, I have to use the bathroom.."

Maya's face scrunches and she looks down at him. "Then go? Noah, why are you telling me?"

Noah kind of whimpers and looks up at her as his cheeks go red.

"Well uh.." He stammers. "I-I kinda have to poop.."

"Oh." Is all Maya can say. He's never pooped in his diaper before, it's only ever been pee. Which is why she's offered to change him. But poop is a whole 'nother level.

She knows the closest bathroom to their spot is a gas station 30 minutes away, but she also knows Noah won't be able to hold it that long.

So she sucks it up. "Just go, I'll change you."

Noah's face grows warmer at her words. And even warmer at the thought of pooping himself.

"A-Are you sure..?"

Maya hums 'yes' and continues to mess with his hair.

Noah does try to go, but nothing will come out. He whines, running his hands over his face.

"It won't come out..!" He whines

Maya holds in her laugh. "I'll help you, but you gotta get off my lap."

Noah whined but reluctantly gets off of her. She has him lay flat on the ground and shuffled her way to his bottom half. She takes off his khakis and he squeals.

"Maya!" She laughs.

"No one can see us, calm down."

Maya grabs both her boyfriend's legs and begins to do bicycle kicks before pushing his knees to his chest. And it works like magic.

Noah moans as mushy poop starts to fill his diaper. A couple of turds come out and he grunts, but it's mush for the most part.

Maya massages his stomach, making sure he gets everything out before leaning up to kiss him. His whimpers into his mouth as she palms his messy diaper.

She pulls away and smiles, reaching for her purse.

"Let's get you changed, stinky boy."

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