Hannah's Flight in a Diaper

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Hannah was dressed in comfortable leggings and an oversized sweatshirt, with a discreet diaper hidden underneath her clothes. She had never worn a diaper in public before, but she knew it was necessary for this long flight to visit her friend.

As the plane took off, Hannah let out a small stream of pee into her diaper. She pulled out her phone and texted her friend, "The diaper is a lifesaver, already peed twice."

Her friend responded, "Glad it's working out for you. How's the flight so far?"

Hannah replied, "It's good, but I'm starting to feel the urge to poop. I hope the turbulence dies down soon so I can make it to the bathroom."

But the turbulence only grew worse, and Hannah realized that she wouldn't be able to hold it much longer.

Hannah took a deep breath and grunted as she pushed out her poop into her diaper. It was harder than she thought it would be, and she felt a sense of shame wash over her as she realized what she had done.

She glanced over at the woman next to her and saw that she was staring, but didn't say anything.

Hannah texted her friend, "I can't believe I just pooped in my diaper on a plane. I feel so embarrassed."

Her friend replied, "Don't be embarrassed. Accidents happen, especially on long flights. Just try to relax and enjoy the rest of the flight."

As the flight landed, Hannah gathered her things and made her way off the plane, trying to hide the bulge in her pants. But she realized that she was still wearing her dirty diaper.

Hannah texted her friend, "I forgot to change before getting off the plane. What should I do?"

Her friend replied, "Just go to the bathroom and change quickly. No one will know."

Hannah took a deep breath and made her way to the bathroom, feeling a sense of relief as she changed out of her dirty diaper and cleaned herself up.

As she stepped out of the bathroom, Hannah felt a sense of liberation knowing that she didn't have to hide her true self from anyone. She smiled to herself and made her way through the airport, feeling confident and empowered.

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