Accidents Happen

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Lila and Tyler had been shopping at the mall for hours, enjoying their time together. Lila had been feeling confident in her diaper, knowing that she wouldn't have to worry about any accidents while they were out and about.

But as they stood in line for the bathroom, Lila felt her bladder start to ache. She shifted from foot to foot, trying to hold it in.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked, noticing her discomfort.

Lila bit her lip. "I really have to pee."

"Let's go find a bathroom then," Tyler said, taking her hand and leading her towards the line.

As they waited in line, Lila's bladder gave out, and she felt the warmth spread between her legs. She looked down at her diaper, feeling mortified.

Tyler noticed her silence and looked down at her diaper too. "Did you just pee?"

Lila nodded, feeling tears prick at the corners of her eyes. "I couldn't hold it in."

Tyler pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. "It's okay, baby. It happens. Let's go get you changed."

Lila nodded, feeling grateful for Tyler's understanding. They continued their shopping, Lila staying in her wet diaper since they hadn't brought any changes with them.

As they walked towards the car, Lila felt her bladder start to ache again. She knew she couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Can we wait a minute?" she asked, feeling embarrassed.

Tyler looked at her with concern. "What's wrong?"

"I have to pee again," Lila admitted, feeling her cheeks heat up.

Tyler chuckled. "Well, you're wearing a diaper, aren't you? Just go."

Lila blushed even more, feeling like a child. But she knew Tyler was right. She paused their conversation and began to pee, feeling the warmth spread between her legs.

Tyler watched her with amusement, teasing her playfully. "Look at my little baby girl, using her diaper like a good girl."

Lila felt both embarrassed and comforted by Tyler's teasing. She knew he was just trying to make her feel better, but she couldn't help feeling like a burden.

As they arrived home, Tyler helped Lila out of the car, and she waddled inside, feeling the weight of her wet diaper. Tyler followed her, watching her closely.

"Let's get you changed," he said, leading her towards the bedroom.

Lila nodded, feeling grateful for Tyler's help. She lay down on the bed, and Tyler began to undo the tapes on her diaper.

"Does it feel uncomfortable?" he asked, noticing the redness on her skin.

"A little bit," Lila admitted.

Tyler nodded, grabbing some cream and spreading it on Lila's skin. "There, that should help."

Lila smiled, feeling grateful for Tyler's care. "Thank you."

Tyler smiled back, pulling her into his arms. "Anything for my baby girl."

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