Humiliating Stacy

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Stacy had always struggled with bedwetting and accidents during the day. Her parents had tried everything to help her, but nothing seemed to work. So, when they suggested she wear thick diapers to school, she reluctantly agreed.

On this particular day, Stacy had chosen to wear a diaper with a pink and purple butterfly pattern. She had tried her best to hide it under her leggings and a long sweater, but she knew it was still noticeable.

As the day progressed, Stacy felt relieved that she had been able to avoid using her diaper. But that relief was short-lived when she was approached by her bullies, Jackie, Gabby, and Parker, on her way to the bathroom.

They had cornered her and demanded to know what she was wearing under her clothes. Stacy tried to brush them off, but before she knew it, she was being dragged into the bathroom.

Her heart was pounding as she was pushed up against the wall. Jackie yanked down her leggings, exposing her diaper. Stacy tried to cover herself, but it was too late. The girls were already pointing and laughing.

"Do you need to go potty, baby?" Gabby sneered.

Stacy felt a wave of humiliation wash over her. She tried to run into one of the stalls, but the girls blocked her way.

"You can't go in there. That's for big girls," Parker taunted.

Stacy's face burned with shame as she struggled to hold in her poop. She knew she couldn't make it to the end of the day without using her diaper, but she didn't want to do it in front of her bullies.

The girls continued to taunt her, making fun of her diaper and calling her a baby. Stacy felt tears welling up in her eyes as she tried to hold back her poop.

But eventually, she couldn't hold it in any longer. She felt herself squatting down, grunting as she filled her diaper with a messy load.

The girls laughed and made fun of her, calling her disgusting. Stacy felt like she wanted to disappear. She couldn't believe this was happening to her.

Jackie patted her full diaper, causing Stacy to cringe in embarrassment. "Do you want us to change you, baby?" she teased.

Stacy just shook her head, tears streaming down her face. She felt so small and helpless, like a little kid who couldn't control her own body.

As the girls finally left, Stacy was left alone in the bathroom, feeling utterly humiliated. She knew she would never be able to face them again without feeling the sting of their cruel words and laughter.

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