Karly's Movie Theater Solution

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Karly was a young woman who loved going to the movies. But there was one thing that always bothered her - missing crucial parts of the movie because she had to use the bathroom. So, she came up with a solution - wearing a diaper to the movie theater.

On this particular day, Karly had chosen to wear a pink sundress with white sandals. Underneath, she was wearing a thick diaper that she had purchased from an online store. She had already peed a couple of times during the movie and was glad she had brought the diaper with her.

As the movie progressed, Karly felt a familiar sensation in her stomach. She knew she had to poop, but she really didn't want to miss any part of the movie. Luckily, nobody was sitting in the row she was in. Karly made up her mind and decided to poop in her diaper.

She grunted as she messed her diaper, and it was hard to get it all out. But finally, she loaded her diaper with her poop. She could feel the warmth spreading throughout her diaper, and it felt strangely comforting.

As the movie ended, Karly rushed to the bathroom. She was relieved that nobody had noticed the smell emanating from her diaper. After cleaning herself up, she ended up putting on another diaper. She knew it was a bit risky, but she couldn't help feeling a sense of satisfaction at having been able to watch the entire movie without missing anything.

From that day on, Karly continued to wear diapers to the movies. It became her little secret, and she never told anyone about it. She knew it was a bit unconventional, but it made her happy. And that was all that mattered.

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