But this could also be considered a challenge to my morality - if I passed this test, it would serve as an indirect reminder of what I am climbing the tower for. 

Team A was up first, and the rest of us were placed in a separate surveillance room. I started intently at the board to observe their actions. 

And just minutes later, the ranker had already appeared before Shibisu. I gazed at the screen, knowing well that I shouldn't be concerned whether Team A succeeds or not. My plan was to demonstrate my shinsu abilities as much as I could when it came to Team B's test so that I could achieve individual points for myself, but not so much that it became suspicious for others. Especially for that Khun, who was always one step ahead others. I had suspected that the rankers already caught up with my abilities and were questioning my true identity, and perhaps at least one of them already knew that I was from the Estrada family. 

The game began to progress, and now the 'it' in Team A who was Anaak, was now trying to run to the exit while the other members attempted to assist the progression. It had now been 32 minutes and 12 seconds, and Quant was now on the chase. He was a ranker and a scout at that, so it came with no surprise that he was extremely fast. I watched as I realized that Team A was bound to fail. Quant knew of their direction as there was only one exit that Team A could potentially make it out to, so it was clear that Quant was planning to meet the 'it' on the bridge to take the badge away. It was almost funny about what a lousy plan this was for someone like Khun, or maybe he had more cards up his sleeve. It would be a miracle if Team A had succeeded in escaping. 


Team A failed. 

How? How, Khun? 

They were on the verge of winning, they were only meters away from victory. But you purposely failed your team, Khun. 

"Ha.." I sighed, as I commended Khun's cunningness. "You're really.. really sneaky." I mumbled, plastering an anxious grin on my face, the tips of my lips trembling as they rose. Khun had set everything up from the beginning - he made it seem like his team gave it their all while displaying their abilities, while failing the team at the end intentionally to give Bam a ladder to climb. You're as cunning as I thought you'd be. No, maybe even more cunning. 

It's time for Team B, and it's time to win. 


It was noisy. There was not a single calm person in this space, and bickering was the only talent in this pitiful group. It wouldn't have come off as a surprise if this team was to be labelled as the most uncoordinated group in the tower's existence. 

We needed a leader like Khun, and perhaps it was the first moment since I saw him that I desperately needed him. I needed to show off my individual skills for the judges, but if our team ended up failing... it wouldn't be great for me either. 

Everyone was shouting and nothing was becoming resolved - the time continued to tick away but all that existed was chaos from one side to the other. The noise was exhausting. We needed someone like Khun. 

"Gosh! You guys are so frustrating! I'll be 'it', so just do as I say." Endorsi took a step forward as she claimed the spot of the 'it', and it simultaneously shut up the noisy regulars who couldn't stop shouting before. But as Endorsi's presence filled the space, there was finally peace. Everyone respected her for she was a Princess of Jahad, a series of powerful female regulars from the 10 great families who were chosen by Jahad himself. No one could disagree with her. 

Endorsi's plan was rash and almost stupid, if I had to tell the truth. She declared that all the fishermen move together as a group, which was a risky idea. But then again, what else were we going to do? We had to trust her, for she was technically our leader now. 

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