Chapter One: A Memory

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A terrible journey with a noisy man. This is insane, his voice are killing me.

"Let me out!" The man continues to shout in the wagon.

I looked at him with a spiteful expression and say "Can you please shut up?".

He slowly turn his head and raise his brow. I could see that he is very mad and aggressive, his veins are showing up. "What do you mean shut up? This is your fault". He pointed his fingers on me.

The wagon suddenly stops and I peeked through the hole in the vehicle.

It seems we are inside a very prestigious building. Considering the walls are covered in a finest wallpaper, probably imported from the Blutsturm Region.

"Hey, you two! Get down!" The guard shouted while banging the wagon.

I quickly get out of the wooden vehicle and finally feel the peace after having a journey with a lousy man.

The Knights escorted us all the way to a very grand room. The room was filled with white flowers— orchids to be specific.

Covered in medals, maps, and books. What a weird place, but makes sense for a formal place.

"Greetings you two, welcome to my office". A warm and gentle voice appears out of nowhere.

We both gave our focus to the approaching woman in the door. She is beautiful.

"Grand Master Melissa, Please I
—I didn't do anything at all!" The man begged for his life as the Grand Master make her way.

Grand Master...Hmm.

She sat down on her very detailed chair and cross her arm. "What seems to be the problem here?". She said.

I looked at her and remain silence and let the man do his thing.

"I see, why did you point your weapon to a man who didn't anything, Ms?". She said. I scoffed and gave my side to defend my self.

"First and foremost, I didn't know that he was just passing by, simply I thought he has any motive". I said.

A silence covered the room for a while. The silence was very loud that I even hear the bustling crown outside the Headquarters.

She laughed and smirked like a fox. "This case is simply a joke, what a waste of time".

The Grand Master stood from her table and lean her head towards us. "This is just a simple misunderstanding, both of you are free. Knights, please next time bring something more interesting." She said in a cold tone and left the room.

The man was shaking from enthusiasm. "I'm free!". He stood and ran away.

Argh, what a pain in a ass.

I opened the door and saw the librarian from the distance. I've been looking for her. I didn't waste any time and run to her.

"Dahlia!" I screamed.

She turn around and I was welcomed with a confused look. "Eli?" She asked.

I took my necklace out of my pocket, which was given by my mother 3 days before she passed away. "Yes, It's me! Eli" I said.

Her eyes widen as she realizes the symbol carved in the glistening gold necklace. "That.. necklace you're holding".

My tears starts to fall as soon as she notices the necklace. "Do you remember my mother?". I hold her hands as I question her.

She was hesitant to tell me at first, but in the end she ended up admitting it. "Uhm— Y-yes I do".

My heart stopped for a moment, after a thousand of years I finally found an answer. Dahlia Elektrizitat is my mother's colleague when she was studying in The Academy.

Tears starts to fall in her eyes as well, she gave me a hugged and it felt like a dream to me. "Oh, Eli! How are you!" She asked.

We decided to go outside the Knights Headquarters so we can talk freely. That time, the weather was great and good. Everything seems to be perfect, so far.

"It's been nearly thousands of years since the last time I saw your mother. Our last interaction it is when she gave birth to you. That— was the time we had a huge argument. ".

I was disappointed. I thought I would find the answer to my mother's death.
My face changed, but I saw Dahlia's expression, it seems that she's having a hard time sharing the story.

"What happened? Did you know why she died?". I said. But seeing her face and hearing her story it seems like she don't have the answer.

She held my hand and said "I'm afraid, I don't know either. I found out that your mother died when I arrive at Cascades.".

I look down and starts to cry, my heart began to feel heavy once again. I still don't have the answer that I was looking for. She held my hand and gave me a hug.. "Take this".

A beautiful pendant. It's familiar.

I took the pendant that was given to me when I was young. Growing up, I was wondering why the pendant is only half. Now, I finally found the other piece.

"So it was a couple pendant". I chuckled while crying. 

She explained why she had the pendant in the first place. The story behind make me miss my mother more. I miss her so much.

Her presence indeed is not here, but her memories is still alive and intact within my heart. If only...If only I did something to save my mother, maybe things would be different today.

She left without a goodbye, left me all alone with my father. Then woke up and she's dead. Oh, mother. You're so cruel.

After a moment of crying and remembering my mother, Dahlia decided to go home since the sun is already setting. She gave me a goodluck charm and the pendant to bring with me in my journey.

I was left crying in the dark in the garden while holding the remaining souvenirs of my mother.

Suddenly, a unexpected wind came. It was very strong, yet very gentle. A mysterious man came. "Are you alright, young lady?".

His eyes are green, his tall, has a snow-like skin. Hair flowing so freely it's like it has its own life. Also, his voice is very deep, yet mysterious. Interesting.

"Excuse me?"

"Pardon me, I apologize for disturbing your solitude. I was passing when I heard your sobbing". The man said.

I couldn't help but to stare at his deep green eyes. It's like the color of a poison, so addicting and hipnotizing.

"Nothing, a memory suddenly visit me" I said with a cold tone.

He grabbed something on his pocket and it was a feather....? What the heck will I do with this.

"...feather?" I asked.

He then chuckled and look in the skies.

"May your worries and problems disappear. Be free and allow yourself to have a break. Roaming around is quite tiring, isn't it?" He said.

He then grabbed his things and slowly walking away.

"If you want to wish something, just tell it to the feather and throw it in the wind". He said and disappeared.

What a weird guy, huh.

I looked deeply at the feather that was given to me. The white color is so pure and very clean. As I look at the back, I saw some writings "Sei frei, genau wie die Feder".

Be free, just like the feather....

Those words hit me. I stood up and grabbed my things. I continue my journey as the moon shine up in the endless sky.

It will be a long journey for me. I took out my feather and create a wish.

"God Of The Wind, Freiheit. Please, guide me". I threw the feather in the air and suddenly a wave of wind suddenly burst in.

Did the God of Wind heard my wish?

I smiled and continue down the road while watching the feather take away by the wind.

Someday, I will find the answer. Not now, but soon. Just hang in there, self.
This suffering will be worth it once I found out the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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