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It's been 7,000 years...

I haven't found the truth behind the death of my mother. I'm getting tired..

The wind gently blows in my face, it's like it's trying to comfort me. The sound of the birds chirping beneath me, sound so good. Music to my ears.

All along, I thought I would found the answers behind the downfall of my nation— as well as the death of my mother. But, centuries— millennium has pass by, I don't have any clue.

Oh, God of The Wind, Freiheit. Please, guide me in this journey as I uncover the truth. I closed my eyes and tears starts to run in my face. I continue to sob underneath the vibrant green tree near the town.

It feels so good to let it all out, the heaviness in my heart, the tears inside my eyes, and the pain that I've been dwelling for thousands of years now. 

As I continue to cry, a drop of rain fell from the sky.

The clouds became dark, the sun hid amongst the thick clouds. Did perhaps the God heard my suffering?

If only, you were here right by side..mother.

Not so long, I heard footsteps coming from my back. I quickly become vigilant and put out my dagger.

"Who are you?". I asked while pointing my old rusted dagger in his face. His eyes widen as I continue to threaten him.

"Woah, woah, woah chill out!". He said "I don't have any motive Miss" he added.

Those words didn't persuade me, so I can continue to interrogate him. "Then, why are you here?".

A thunderstorm suddenly struck near the tree causing it to distract me. He quickly grabbed the dagger and throw away from me. "I was trying to help, I saw you sitting alone and I got curious." He explained as he try to stop me from getting my dagger.

I then replied "What a foolish excuse, do you really think I'm that stupid?".

He pinned me to the ground and said "Why would I do something to you? You're not that hot."


I snuck and make my way to overcome his strength. "Bullsh*t".

Suddenly a concerned villager approaches and stops us. "Hey, you two! Stop that!". The villager grabbed both of our hands.

"I will call the knights, and explain to the Council Hall what is going on between you to".

A group of knights came and grabbed us and ride using a wagon made of the finest wood in Löwenzahn.  "I didn't do anything". The man shouted.

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