The greatest thrill of all

Start from the beginning

"What are you saying?" Wolf asked.

"I'm saying, go, go save princess before it's too late"

"But how I don't know where to start?"

"Let's just says I have a feeling she's close by" vitaly holds up a newspaper where it says that Thomas arrived with princess and the hotel they were staying.

Having courage, wolf turns to his friends that they all shared the same look.

Then they get up and they ran passed vitaly stefano and Gia.

"Where are you going?" Gia asked who was concerned.

"I'm gonna get my daughter back" wolf shouts.

Meanwhile, the gang, plus King Julien, made it to the gates of the Central Park Zoo, just looking at their former home with confliction.

"Well..we're here," Gloria said.

"Home," Marty breathed.

"Huh. My rock looks smaller than I remember it," Alex mentioned.

"Look at the mural. Doesn't actually capture the real thing, does it?" Marty added.

"Wow. I forgot about that wall in between us, Melman.

Was that always there?" Gloria wondered sadly with Melman agreeing with her.

"Our home doesn't feel like home to me. Probably not to you guys either," Alex admitted.

Then Marty looked among his friends, seeing how sad they were and thinking this was his fault.

"Guys, I'm sorry I ever left the zoo in the first place," Marty apologized.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked, facing his friend.
"I mean, ifI had just stayed put, we wouldn't have anything to be sad about right now," Marty clarified.

Alex just looked at his friend before a small smile formed on his face.

"Leaving the zoo was the best thing that ever happened to us," Alex said.

"Really?" Marty asked.

"Yeah. Out there, in the world, we were really living," Alex pointed out.

"Yeah!" King Julien exclaimed.

"It was exciting!" Alex started.

"It was romantic," Gloria added.

"It was dangerous," Melman replied.

"I never felt so alive!" Marty shouted happily.

"When we were with the circus, we were already home. I only wish we'd realized that sooner," Alex told them.

"I'm really going to miss those guys," Melman said sadly.

"What do you say we go back?" Alex suggested.

"Really?" Gloria asked as they all brightened up at the suggestion.

"I'm with you!" Marty said.

"But what do we tell them?" Melman wondered.

"We make it right by telling them how wrong we were," Alex answered.

"And if we go down in flames, so be it!" Alex stated like Vitaly before getting a tranquilizer dart to the forehead.

"Yes, let's do this!" Gloria said as some got her.

"I Like it!" Melman added until the same result happened.

"Yeah, yeah!" Marty cheered when he and King Julien got hit too.

"Is my neck getting longer?" Melman asked like he was drunk.

"Feel my fur. It's so soft," Alex said the same way.

"It is soft," Gloria agreed like that.

"I'm like a candy cane in a black and white movie," Marty replied the same as he, Gloria, and Melman fainted.

"Oh, no. Dubois," Alex said as he pulled the tranquilizer dart out of his forehead then fainted in his friends.

"Sonya, I miss you, baby! I miss my stinky bear! Babe.. your fishy kisses!" King Julien said as he walked off like a drunk man who just came out of a bar.

Then Dubois and her men appeared out of nowhere.

"Surprise!" Dubois smirked, looked over Alex, then declared, pulling out a saw, "He will never fit in the carry-on. But his head will!"

Then the zookeepers appeared at the gates to see the animals on the ground.

"Hey!" a male zookeeper yelled.

"Qu'est-ce que c'est?" Dubois asked before hiding the saw behind her back.

"Look! Look what she's done! You brought back Alex the Lion!" the same male zookeeper exclaimed happily.

"It's a miracle!" a female zookeeper thanked.

"Thank you! Thank you!" the male zookeeper thanked.

Julien walked in the circus, still like a drunk man, calling for Sonya.

"Sonya, where are you? Sonya!" he called, bumped into a barrel, and said to it, "Excuse me."

Sonya roared in sadness, getting Julien's attention. As he confessed to her, the other circus animals watched him.

"Sonya, baby! I don't want to be king anymore! I was so hung up on who was who you was what you smelled like when all that really matters is what we smell like together," Julien confessed.

That made them realize how much the gang meant to them. when Julien confessed he would give up being king for her. Maybe he could get her back.

"Baby, forgive me" Julien begged, stuck his head in Sonya's mouth, then called, "Oh, hello?"

Then Kowalski noticed a tranquilizer dart in Julien's tail.

"Gasp! It's Dubois!" he said, pulling it out and showing it to Skipper.

"Baba booey!" Skipper panicked, pulled Julien's head out, and asked, "Where did you get this?"

"I got it from the zoo," Julien answered.

Skipper shoved Julien's head back in before saying, "The hippies got ambushed!"

"What? We have to help them!" Gia replied as everyone's eyes widened.

"But they lied to us!" one of the horses pointed out.
"Yeah. Why should we lift a paw?" Freddy added.

"They are our friends!" Gia stated.

"They're not even circus!" Freddy commented.

That made Vitaly a bit mad.

"That's Bolshevik!" he remarked, making Freddy whimper.

"I never thought I'd say this on American soil, but the Russki's right!" Skipper said.

They cheered and got ready to save the gang.

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