Chapter 20: Clever Ploy

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I frowned as I looked down at the planet that we were descending upon. The sand was green. Unlike the sand I had seen on Earth or Yautja Prime, which was brown, yellow, or even red. The green was hard for my brain to see it and not think 'life'.

A talon gently traced between my brows toward my nose and I looked up to see Volok standing over me, looking amused as hell at my inability to hide my issues processing. "Staring at it won't change the planet into a forest."

I frowned harder at his teasing. "I didn't think it would. You forget that before I visited your planet, I was sheltered in Yautja Prime and while I was on the run, I didn't have time to really take in the scene. This is weird to me."

Volok cocked his head in consideration before looking out at the vast expanse of brilliant green and crossed his large arms. "I suppose I can understand that. Though it doesn't change what it is and it'll become less of a spectacle once you walk through enough of it."

The ship's AI announced that they had successfully landed. The floor next to the cockpit seat hissed and began to tower up to reveal our gear. I had placed it in the transportation device inside the armory so we didn't have to waste any time walking. Volok insisted that I went first, so when the arch of the tower finished lifting, I stepped forward and let the little robotic arms from the arch begin to fit me from head to toe. My mask and my gear were all designed to match my mates, though our weapons would be different. I chose to honor my mother and dawn a bow as my main weapon. I did carry gauntlet blades at Volok's insistence, but we both agreed that I should hunt in a way that best suited my natural talents. Stealth and agility.

Once I was finished, I waited patiently while Volok dressed. I am a little ashamed to admit that I found it a little too arousing, because PAYA this male was a magnificent specimen, but Volok didn't seem bothered. He glanced at me over his shoulder and said, "Later."

That was a promise that I would absolutely make sure he kept.

Finally fitted, we made our way to the exit ramp. The moment it opened, we were met with a blast of heat so dry that I wondered if my skin would dry up. Volok engaged his shield. It was a translucent barrier that would help protect us from this planets sun and keep us cool enough to function. I followed his lead and sighed from the instant relief.

With that, we exited, secured the ship so Anak could not attempt to make off with it and we ran. There was no point it using our cloaking devices. Not only did we expect Anak to be fully geared up, but even an infant could see our footprints in the sand.

We ran for miles, and for a moment, I almost forgot that we were on a hunt. It just felt so good, so right, to run with Volok without any restraint. Side by side, watching the muscles in his legs, his lower back, his arms...feeling such joyous was an addicting high. It was only when Volok spoke to me that I came down from my cloud nine.

"We start our search there." He pointed down the massive dune that we stood on. There at the bottom was a labyrinth of crystal-like towers. They varied in size, color, thickness, and opaqueness. The sun sent rays of a rainbow effect onto the black stone they seemed to grow out of.

"Wow." I whispered, unable to stop myself.

"It's beauty is what makes it dangerous." Volok pointed to the shining black stone. "The rays go through the crystal, magnifying the heat and it will melt the sand into glass. We must be careful because there will be spots where the glass has melted again and our shields will not be able to withstand the heat if we slip in."

My mask zoomed in to view the black stone. Sure enough it was glass, but it wasn't black like I had first thought. The mask could detect that it was just such a dark green, it looked black. It also ran over several spots that were indeed exceeding their heat threshold. I understood the danger of it now, because you could not visually see any difference between the liquid pools and the solid glass.

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