Chapter 17: Shit...

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I felt grotesque as I looked at myself in the mirror. The device I wore on my wrist had a cloaking device unlike ones used by Yautja. This was to hide in plain sight. The appearance I took was that of a Vjhi. A short, humanoid creature with black bug eyes, two malleable antennae and shiney green skin. They had no hair, small mouths and reptilian noses. 

At least Baaul got a Giagantiuan. They were a massive gray skinned warrior race with four arms. Each hand only had four thick fingers which gave them the appearance of being larger than they were. He had been quiet the duration of our descent into Yautja Prime because he was playing the part of the species he wore.

My father simply found an old cloaking device and tweaked it to hide his presence entirely. The owner of this ship had no idea he was even on board, much less our real identities. The only one who wasn't disguised was Khajit, because one wanted to mess with the growing feline who was now up to my hip.

Three weeks had passed since we began our divert operation. We had gone to a highly advanced planet, one that valued tech even more than Yautja Prime, to buy these transformation disguises and false papers. They were extremely illegal in most galaxies, but we needed them to come back home undetected. Mainly because we had to wait for a ship that had need to enter Yautja Prime. 

Dad had made sure we approached the good Curian's as our disguised selves so that way they had no clue they were stowing Yautja. If they didn't know then they wouldn't be able to snitch on us. It was lucky running into them too, because we had to wait a week later than we anticipated because I had to hole up for a week to avoid giving away our position. Apparently, I would be getting a heat cycle once a month. What a fucking joy. Thank Paya, Dad was able to find a doctor who specialized in hybrids who confirmed that I was only fertile during my heat. At least it wasn't like my mother who got pregnant simply from father looking at her. Small blessings.

The ship suddenly lurched forward and I had to hold the wall to stop from falling. Baaul muttered something about their garbage contraption and held out a hand to hold me steady.

"Docking now!" The speaker over our small room announced. was more like a cargo bay thanks to all the loose shipping containers cramping us in. Though they were a friendly, harmless species, Curian were not known for their wealth due to their nomad lifestyle. "Don't forget! We will be leaving in two days! Do your business and be back or we'll have to leave you behind! And trust me when I say you don't want that! These Yautja are a savage lot. Kill for sport."

Oh, if they only knew…

Knowing the speaker only worked one way, my father spoke up. "Remember. After you pass customs, you will separate and make your way home and get as much gear as you can. I will make my way to your mother."

I nodded once because I had made sure to memorize his instructions the first time he told me. This was too important to mess up. Baaul would be making his own journey to his dwelling to gear up. He had made it very clear that if we were leaving, he would follow us. Loyalty was something my father taught people. Baaul had been the first to adapt it for himself.

The door to the bay opened outward until it ramped down to the floor. I knew before the first Yautja came to inspect our papers that my father had snuck off. I wanted more than anything to go with him, but I would stick to the plan. 

I recognized the male before me. His name was Darx and I had always found him to be a pleasant male when Uathan wasn't around to pretend he was my mate. However, I got none of the usual warmth from him because he wasn't seeing me. He was seeing the disguise I wore so he was very short with me. After scanning my papers, he looked down at Khajit for a moment, who was doing his best to look harmless, then jerked his head at me to leave.

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