Chapter 15: Rescue

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Artwork is not mine nor am I associated with the artist. All credit goes to them.


Volok had to carry me back the rest of the way because after he finally was satisfied with not only my heat being tamed, but his own needs, I couldn't so much as wiggle a toe. To say I felt awkward was a massive understatement. He seemed utterly unphased by what just transpired and it bothered me on a deep level. Clearly it meant more to me and I hated this pained feeling in my heart. He marked me, yet he treated me the same as he had before. No...not even that.

He actually had yet to say anything to me since he asked if I could stand. Which, obviously, the answer to that was no. I didn't even have the energy to tie my skirt back on, something he also had to do for me. I was so embarrassed that I didn't even have the courage to ask about the mark he left on me. I was too afraid of hearing his rejection and making it all the more real. Undeniable. 

Though I was proud of myself that I hadn't cried yet. I guess I was beyond that point right now. I didn't even think someone could be so sad that they couldn't even cry. It was a new one for me.

As he leapt through the trees with me on his back at his amazing speed I knew that we'd cover the distance in half the time than before. He was just that fast, but I cringed at the thought of seeing my father after all of this. Paya, what would he think of me? To know his only daughter not only didn't get more information from the enemy but allowed the enemy to ruthlessly rut her? Because who was I even kidding? I had wanted him to and I enjoyed it.

My face blazed at the thought.

Volok suddenly launched toward the forest floor and I saw over his shoulder that he was heading straight for a small steaming pool of water. He knelt down to insert a finger, testing the water, before looking back at me. "Rest in here for a few moments. We are close to the compound."

I frowned because he wasn't exactly offering since he was shrugging me off his back to push me in and since I was so weak, I had no choice but to climb inside. Though I couldn't deny the hot waters instantly relaxed the stiff muscles I felt in my body.

I had no doubts whatsoever what this soak really was about though. He wanted me to wash his scent off of me. He was wanting to rid himself of the evidence of our mating.

Those thoughts almost broke me enough to cry again, but I refused to let the fuckers fall. Anger at everything helped me fight them back. Paya, so help me, I would get off this damn planet. I would get off and I'd never lay my eyes on this massive male again.

When it was time to leave I smelled heavily of the salt waters I had been soaking in. My limbs had recovered enough that I could actually stand on my own though I still couldn't move beyond a shaking walk so he still had to carry me on his back.

Paya, I hated the way my heart fluttered and my cheeks heated at the feeling of my breasts pressing against his powerful back. I couldn't help but think of the erotic way they moved against his chest when he was inside me and when his tongue- NO! STOP IT ROSALENE!

Think about something else! Think about something else! THINK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE!

Thankfully due to his pace, I soon saw the soft glow of fire of his compound. There was a party waiting for us when he launched himself down into the open space just outside the doors.

Four males slammed their fists into their chest and bowed their heads as customary for a clan leader. When they realized I was climbing off his back, they did little to show their shock. I ignored them because I was embarrassed enough.

"Here." Volok pulled the skin sack from his belt and handed me the milk. I took it without so much as looking at him and pushed past the group to make my way inside. I actually remembered where our room was and I couldn't wait to put distance between us. These thoughts were simply too much.

I think he might have said something to me, but I didn't stay long enough to hear it. I couldn't bear it. I went straight into the bedroom where I saw my father sitting quietly against the glass window on the floor. He was gazing out with one powerful arm resting on his arched knee. The little Keet was curled up next to him on the floor in the skin. I only knew that because I could see the slight rise and fall of his slumbering breaths.

He looked at me briefly before turning to look back outside. "I take it the search went well."

Shame gripped me and I did my best to nod. For the life of me I could not say anything though.

"His mark is on your shoulder." I flinched even though there was no malice or anger in his voice. "Does this mean you wish to stay here with him?"

He was being incredibly calm right now and it was extremely unusual. I'd take it though, considering how awful I felt right now. I had the most idiotic need to run over to him to hug him and the last thing I wanted was him to shame me more than I was already shaming myself. I bit my lip to keep it from trembling and shook my head. "He rejected me…I want to go home."

My father nodded once and stood up to his full height. There was an energy there in his body that I hadn't seen in him since I got here. Calm surety. Pride. Like nothing and no one could stop him. "Then let's go home."

I opened my mouth to ask him what he meant when I saw him. Just outside the window, eyes flashed before he phased into view, one hand was pressing a dematerializer into the glass while the other held his weight on the windowsill above him. 

Silent happy tears poured down my cheeks because he was alive. Baaul was alive and he was here to rescue us. Right under Volok's fucking nose.


Short chapter but this one makes me giddy as hell to share with you because it's been written for a week now. I simply couldn't kill Baaul. Over the last two books I've grown very attached to the moody ass.


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