Chapter 3: Worry

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Three weeks before The Courtship Tournament and my father still hadn't made it home. I wasn't even sure if he had gotten my messages about my run in with Uathan. I knew it would light a rage in him and had he been home, he'd likely kill him. I know my mother sure as hell wanted to.

She was currently running after Kaail, my baby brother, who was snarling like a tyrant and jabbing everything he could with his little wooden spear. "Get back here you little asshole!"

It made me smile because I remember her calling me such names when I was younger. Kaail was still too young to understand English so he'd be okay hearing it for now, though my father hated it when she cursed around the young ones. 

"I can't believe your father still hasn't come back. I think this is the longest he's ever been gone. Honestly, I'm a little concerned." She said softly to me after she managed to catch him.

"Have you asked any of my older brothers to check on him?" I asked. She had a lot of older brothers to choose from since I fell 38 in a line of 59. 

She nodded. "They can't get through to him either."

I bit at my claws, feeling a bit uneasy. "Has he sent out a distress call?"

She just shrugged, anger written over her pretty face. "Anak accepts me, Rose, but I'm merely human. He doesn't discuss things with me."

"What about, Yeyinde or Bakuub?" Both of them, my brothers, were Elite members now and easily had rights to see Anak.

"They are off on their own hunts. They won't be back until well after The Courtship Tournament." She sighed with feeling. She may hate the idea of me losing my rights to be Blooded more than me. She loved my father and everything he gave her, but she hated being treated as a second class citizen simply because she was human. My brothers did have to work hard to prove their worth, because she was their mother, but at least they looked Yautja. Me, I'd struggle like she would if I didn't get Blooded. 

"Couldn't I technically request an audience with Anak since I'm half?" I asked. 

She again shrugged. "I honestly don't know, honey. You could try. The worst he can do is say no. Right?"


Short Chapter but don't worry. It's going to pick up soon ❤ I have several more Chapters written already and you'll like it...I hope.


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