Chapter 18: King

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Uathan did not hesitate to bring me before his father. I hadn't exactly expected a few days in lock up, but I did expect a few hours minimum. You know, something long enough to give Baaul and my father a chance to hear that I had been caught. I also expected there to be more people there to witness my sentencing considering how grave an offense I had been committing. But to my surprise the throne room was seemingly void of life. As far as I could tell, it was just the three of us. I was still twitching when he tossed me onto the stone floor at Anak's feet so I couldn't be entirely sure since I couldn't move my body on my own accord.

"Look what I found in the market." Uathan chittered in amusement above me. I tried my best to not kiss the cold stone under me. It was a frustrating task. "With this."

There was a metallic clatter on the floor next to me that I could only assume was the disguise bracelet. I just couldn't see it due to my body not listening to me. I'd try to move my head and ended up moving my middle toe. High voltage shock was a bitch.

"Why would you hide from us, Rosalene? It is not you that we will kill on sight." Anak purred and I think he leaned forward from the way his boots moved.

I growled deep in my chest, baring as much fang as I could. The hell I'd buy his bullshit! "Y-You...l-liar! J-J-Just...wa-anted...M-Mom!"

The air shifted as if all the oxygen had left the room. Clearly they had no idea that their little secret wasn't such a secret. It made me all the more curious how my father found it out. My dumb ass hadn't thought to ask him either.

"Sounds like we've got ourselves a spy." Anak finally mumbled, but not like he was unamused. Uathan moved behind me and lifted me up to a kneeling position. He had to hold me at the shoulders so my receding spasms didn't knock me to the floor.

"W-Why?" It was the 'million dollar question' as my mother would say. Why did he go after my father when he had rescued, raised, and thrived because of him? My mother would also say that he was 'killing the golden goose'. There were plenty of other human females available here for him to target that would be much less of a hassle. Why us?

"That's not what we are here to discuss, child." He clicked his talons on the arm of his throne as he narrowed his beady eyes. Each tap of his claws was like a gun shot going off in the tense room. "Where is Xai'an? I know he's alive."

I just smiled sinisterly. Like I was going to fucking tell him that! Of course he'd want my father killed. Even branded as a Bad Blood he knew my father would never let him have my mother. As long as Dad was alive, he'd never know a moment's peace because he would hunt Anak to get my mother and I back.

Uathan roared at my blatant defiance and dug his claws into my shoulders. I grunted but I didn't scream out due to the pain like he wanted even when I felt the blood trickling down my chest and back.

"Aiding and abetting a Bad Blood is normally a death sentence, you know?" He continued to tap those claws in sequence. 

"Fuck you!" I spat on the floor and gritted my teeth when Uathan dug those claws a little further inside. It felt like he was touching his damn claws together under my damn collar bone! It wasn't lost on me that he chose the side where Volok had marked me either. While he was torturing me, he was also replacing another males mark.

Anak leaned back against his metal coated bone throne and ran a finger under his mandibles as those nasty little eyes waved over me. "For the treason of aiding a Bad Blood, you forsake all Yautja titles. You will have no more rights or privileges and I hereby declare you marked as ooman. You will belong to the male that won your favor in the Courtship Tournament that you failed to witness."

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