Chapter 12 : Grave Discovery

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It was silent
Maxwell stared at his tea cup with no sign of movement.
Out of nowhere he looked up at Kenzie and laughed.
"You are right Miss Lincoln, who am I to stop you"
Kenzie agreed and nodded , smiling.But she had a feeling that something was rather off with his mood. His behavior had suddenly changed, Kenzie knew she had to expect the unexpected.
"Miss Lincoln as you found me practicing, it's a bit boring to be practicing alone.. your family is known for being great martial artists, especially great with swords, if you don't mind, I would love to learn a trick or two from the best.
Kenzie was confused, she didn't even know what was going on in Maxwell's head and that left her puzzled .
"You flatter me Mr Carter, there are just mere moves, nothing to brag or boast about "
"Is that so ...then show me", Maxwell stood up and brought a sword .
"May you please go pick your weapon over there , I don't know if you use a spear or sword, or just fists".
Kenzie thought about this
Was she supposed to bring out her favourite dagger into the fight, but wouldn't that make her look suspicious also  her sword was to kill not  to play games.
"Thank you, ...I use the sword most of the time, my skills are better with it".
"I will be the judge of that", with that Maxwell threw a heavy blow at Kenzie, she was alert early and managed to dodge it.
Maxwell smiled and continued to throw  slash hits Kenzie's way, he even used his legs for unexpected kicks.
Kenzie just dodged and used self defense but she was taken back , with his fighting skills.
If Kenzie made  a mistake and failed to avoid a blow from Maxwell, this only could lead to her death.
This made her sure that , Maxwell wanted to kill her.
He used a friendly duet as an opportunity to kill Kenzie and use this also as an excuse., for being an accident.
Kenzie didn't know if she was supposed to fight back as things weren't going to look great if she killed Maxwell, in his own house for that matter.
People saw her as the last person with Maxwell, his sudden death will bring a lot of unnecessary misfortune to her.
After breaking apart and now walking in circles pointing their swords at each other, Kenzie finally spoke.
"Mr Carter, you are no match for me, I would like to withdraw the match"
Kenzie wanted so badly a rematch, whereby she won't be put under such conditions, Maxwell also knew very well that Kenzie wouldn't have the power to do anything to him at his own house so he took advantage of it.
"Oh why, Miss Lincoln, it was just getting interesting, it's not too often I find someone to have a good fight with, most of them just.... die."
Kenzie opened widely her eyes.
"Don't get the wrong idea Miss, I meant die of exhaustion, obvious I wouldn't kill anyone".
With that Maxwell took out something that made Kenzie numb.
He took out a ink black fingerless glove, with a strip on it.
This made her heart stop for a second.
Kenzie's eyes opened widely,
"No , no , it can't be", Kenzie whispered to herself.
"Miss Lincoln, is there something wrong?"
Kenzie didn't respond and quickly put back the sword, "I have to go"
"Go?", what's the rush Miss Lincoln, I just took out my glove as to tighten my grip, does that make you uncomfortable.
Kenzie shook her head and prepared to leave, "I ...I need to go now"
"Wait why?"
, Maxwell sword was now pointing at Kenzie's neck.
Kenzie also stepped back, thinking about it, she also wasn't sure why she wanted to leave, but she knew she was very suspicious with her sudden need to leave.
"I saw the time and was worried how I will get home safely", Kenzie said smiling looking at Maxwell.
He put down the sword and nodded,"it's normal to worry about your safety but I promise you are safe with me, let me send you off".
Kenzie nodded.
If she wanted to get out of here , she had to be calm.
As she walked out of the room, she glanced at the fabric, hanging on the wall, displaying some Chinese Characters, the fabric was more familiar than the gloves, she clenched her teeth.
"Are you coming?"
"Ohh yes, I was still admiring your cloth, it looks expensive and elegant"
"Ohh this, I personally got it made in Egypt, there's only this kind in the whole country, no one has it, if they weren't given by me, it is  made of the finest sheep fur.
Kenzie smiled and nodded , she took her dagger and one slash was all it needed.
As she followed Maxwell outside the room, she started to compliment the house to the owner.
It now also carried a heavenly aroma of delicacies.
"Would you please join us for dinner"
Before Kenzie could continue she heard loud shouting by the next room.
"What do you mean I am not allowed, do you want to get fired, do you want to lose your job?".
"I'm sorry ma'am"
"Oh you should be, you should be very very sorry, I .."

Kenzie froze on spot.
She stared  at her and studied her, she looked the same, but her wardrobe looked different, she tried to figure out the reason she might be here and why she was scolding the butler.
"Ohh so Miss Sandy meant you ", Maxwell stepped in with a smile.
"Excuse me"
"The lady called Sandy, came barging in my house, asking for me because I was avoiding her friend on purpose,I was wondering which friend it could be"
"He's right Kenzie, I was feeling bad because I was the one who gave you the inaccurate locations so I wanted to arrange a meeting with him that's why I came "
"Anyways why are you also here, did he agree to discuss with you "
Kenzie looked back and smiled, "Sort of"
"Then ,what are  we waiting for, let's go"
Kenzie smiled and left with Sandy.
She tried to push any suspicion thoughts on Sandy as there wasn't any other reason she could be here.
"Seems like you don't need my help anymore, not to mention that I never gave you any", Sandy laughed a bit.
"Don't be silly, though I sort of figured out this one but I still  need you, for my emotional support, now let's go"
Sandy nodded and they exited Maxwell's premises.
"How's your hubby doing, it's been long since I saw him?"
"Come-on you know who, that sweet bodyguard of yours"
"Sandy you really have to stop with this, it's going to affect him, these things tend to get out of hand quickly, not to mention our backgrounds, he will lose people's respect for his hardworking self and think I gave him everything because we are lovers "
Sandy just shook her head.
"Fine, don't have to bite my head, ohh I just remembered, what did you find, is there something you got in Maxwell's house"
Kenzie focused on the road, she didn't want to tell Sandy anything about her revenge because it will feel like she was only using her for her own benefits.But it felt wrong not telling her.
"I am still going to verify what I know, anyways it's safer if you don't know"
"Yeah, believe me, it's for your own good"
"Okay, what did you want to talk to about with Maxwell"
"That...also is a part of the..uhm secret", Kenzie didn't even tell Sandy about the whole company contract.
"Huh?, so am I getting my job back?".
Sandy turned and looked at Kenzie.
"I mean you promised, once I help you and stuff, you will get my job back", Sandy continued.
"Sh!t", Kenzie didn't even bring the topic up , and now she wasn't going to be able to  because of the hatred Maxwell had for her.
"I...I couldn't ask  him, plus I got on the bad side of Maxwell, I don't think he will be forgiving me any time soon, so addressing the issue might be a wincy bit of trouble"
Sandy smiled vanished.
"What do you mean?"
"I know I know, it's my fault, besides I don't think I am done with that old man, I just wish our paths won't cross, but I doubt it, I feel like we will be..."
Kenzie was interrupted by Sandy.

"You mean to say you used me for your own personal reasons, now that you are done, you don't need me?"
"Well yes, but..."
"No buts, listen up the Almighty Kenzie, just because you are having your whole life , in luxury doesn't mean, the whole world is like that... from start I knew you were self-centered but now you proved me even right"
"Sandy wait, that's not what you think "
"Oh really, you know getting involved with you just jeopardized my job even more, there's no way I am getting it back, you know why because of my friendship with you, which totally means nothing to you "
"Sandy listen ..."
"You know what I am done, I am done with all the rich spoilt brats, your brother.."
"A word about my brother and I will kill you right here, right now", Kenzie was now pointing her dagger at Sandy's neck, she had stopped the car.
Sandy surprisingly laughed.
"Right, that's all you know, the heartless Kenzie doesn't care about anyone's life, mine won't mean a thing, so do it, DO IT RIGHT NOW!"
Kenzie lowered the dagger, and silently apologized.
"I am..", with that, the car door was slammed.

Hey, hey, it's a busy season, Xmas on the way, wish you all Happy Holidays, anyways, my publishing might take time because well why not, it's Christmas, we are all celebrating this joyous holiday but will try to fit the book in the schedule 👾🌚

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