Chapter 7: A little confession

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After the bath, Kenzie had took her free time to exercise, before reading some books afterwards in her brother's study.
She suddenly thought about Sandy, were her eyes deceiving her and she wasn't sure if it was worth getting Sandy involved in her investigation.
But if she was part of the investigation , then that ,was a total different story.
After debating in her head, she finally agreed with herself to give it a shot.
She got dressed in a casual look and got to her car.She didn't know if she was supposed to look for Sandy in the mall or at her apartment but she was convinced she was probably at the mall since she worked there, it was still early for her shift to end, two hours were left.
So she headed to the mall and found her way in the store .She first scouted around to atleast spot Sandy but there wasn't any sign of her.Kenzie spotted one worker next to the entrance.She quickly walked to her before she lost sight of her among the busy crowd, what was up with people and shopping,it now felt like an obession.
"Excuse me.. sorry hi"
"Hi , welcome to our store, may I help you"
"Oh yes..I am looking for someone by the name Sandy, she works here"
The lady frowned a bit and looked at Kenzie as she thought about it,
"Yes, uhm I don't know how to describe someone but she had pink hair with doe eyes and about this tall, my shoulder height"
"Mm I see, I think I know who you are talking about"
"Really?", Kenzie smiled on hearing the news.
"But she doesn't work here"
Kenzie's smile dropped as she looked at the lady, she was now puzzled , what did she mean by that Sandy didn't work at that place.
"I'm sorry I didn't get that.. you mean Sandy doesn't work here but why was she on a shift the other day"
" Oh that, it was a promotion for our New uniforms, we looked for a few young models, and got them on a shift to showcase our new hospitality and team"
Kenzie didn't want to point it out but that sounded stupid, they basically deceived people to come and buy  in the store by using beautiful young women, after that they will go back to normal, that was very stupid , it was  simple  an advertisement.
But Kenzie cared not about the stupid advert but by the fact that Sandy never worked at the store.
Again it got her thinking, was it because her brother had sent a total different person to protect Kenzie in disguise of being a shop worker.
That made more sense, actually thinking about it, Kenzie never confronted Sandy about that day .Why she was following Kenzie and stuff, she had drawn her line to keep  it professional and discrete ,  not expose her as she might feel like she didn't complete her mission.But didn't that also means she knew from start that Tyson was Kenzie's that the reason why she cried when Kenzie told her Tyson's dead.That actually fitted it all, Kenzie had found it strange how Sandy sobbed the night Kenzie had told her about Tyson's death.
She thanked the lady and hurried to Sandy's.
She didn't know what she would say first at her, she hadn't even figured how to confront her.
But before she knew it, she was already at Sandy's doorstep.
She first hesitated  to knock but pushed the fear out.
A response was heard and Kenzie heard footsteps coming her way.
Sandy opened the door and was carrying a dish towel, she was in an apron and she seemed as if she was in the middle of cooking.
" So you are not going to invite me inside?"
"Oh sorry, you may come in"
Kenzie smiled and looked around, this time with more caution.
"You aren't working today, I dropped by your work and you weren't there"
Sandy tensed up as she started twisting the towel.She clearly was panicking and she couldn't even look at Kenzie in the eyes.
"I..I " , she kept on stammering.
Kenzie was about to say something when suddenly something caught her eye.
She quickly walked over there and lifted a picture frame.
"This..", Kenzie whispered to herself.
This clearly was Sandy making a big heart shape over her head behind a building.
Like Kenzie thought it was Blue Whales, Kenzie was speechless.
What did this even mean?
Sandy saw Kenzie and quickly grabbed the photo to hide it.
" I was about to dish up, why don't you Come over and eat"
Before Kenzie could reply Sandy was already making her way to the kitchen with the photo.
Kenzie stared at her and then decided to play along, maybe she might explain.
Kenzie sat down and watched Sandy dish up.
"I didn't know you are a cook", Kenzie said eyeing the dishes.
Sandy smiled and continued,"After my mom's death, my dad taught me all there is to know..", after that she paused and looked at Kenzie.
She quickly went to put away the pots and came back with the glasses.
"Do you prefer wine or juice?"
"Juice please"
"Okay , then more wine for me,"Sandy sat down and poured herself some wine.
She  poured  Kenzie some orange juice.
Kenzie just looked at Sandy without saying anything.Even though Sandy was now eating, Kenzie still wanted to know more about the photo and also the reason why she wasn't working at the mall at all.
Sandy put down her utensils and wiped her mouth,"You probably won't eat until I tell you the truth,  right?"
Sandy looked up at Kenzie with a serious look.
Kenzie just nodded.
Sandy took out a deep breath and looked at the photo.
"That's me, a few months ago, I was working for Blue Whales, it was like my dream job, I loved it there, it gave me  a fair pay but that was enough for me "
"I had been working there , almost all my life, but because of one lie, I lost my job , one accusation ,I was shown the  very door, I came in with "
"I cried and begged for justification, for proof that stated I did it but no one believed me, there didn't even take time to consider any thing,I was humiliated and kicked out with immediate effect...I disappointed my father, I disappointed the only man who have always looked after  me, he has always supported me and I ..I proved him wrong, I proved that I wasn't the best daughter, I proved that I don't deserve his love or support..I .."
Sandy was now crying.
Tears were rolling on her face and made her shirt wet.She wasn't paying attention at  anything as she continued to cry.
"S.. Sandy, you.."
"I know, I sound pathetic huh, it's not surprising"
Sandy was now wiping her tears with her elbow.
"No, what did they accuse you of doing"
Sandy kept quiet and ate as she sobbed.
"I'm sorry Kenzie to bother you with my story but I don't want anyone's sympathy, no one believes me, what's the point of saying the same thing over and over again"
Sandy ignored Kenzie.
Kenzie started eating and looked down at her food, Sandy was a good cook.
"You really deserve to be a working in a five-star restaurant, you are worthy to be a Mitchellin chef.
Sandy smiled and looked at Kenzie.
Kenzie noticed that she was now a bit calm.
"What did you like about your job"
Sandy smiled, and looked down .
"I liked feeding the dolphins, I had named them all, and they also could easily recognize me, I mean they are smart, but Timmy, one of the dolphins liked pulling my hair, I swear I thought he might eat it", Sandy said giggling.
Kenzie smiled.
"Sandy besides being sort of an aquarium, what else does Blue Whales do?"
Sandy's smile dropped immediately and she looked at Kenzie.
"What do you mean?"
Like Kenzie thought, Blue Whales wasn't all simple and innocent,it also was in disguise, she wondered what they were trading.
Sandy's reaction just proved her right.
"I mean , like being a donation sponsor or something".
Sandy looked relieved but clearly she was still worried .
"I-I don't know, maybe , I was just a worker"
"Haven't you asked or heard anything maybe..."
"No nothing, Kenzie, even though I got kicked out for no reason but I don't hate my company, I have been with them for a long time, and I will never say more than needed, I hope you understand "
Kenzie nodded.
She had to respect Sandy's boundaries.
"But can you help me find out?"
Sandy looked up at Kenzie.
"I mean you have been working there for a long time, why not, I can  even help you clear your name"
Sandy thought about this, and Kenzie saw that she had to add more to push it further
"After proving yourself innocent, you may get your job back and may also get  a promotion as I will put a good word for you, how honest and trust worthy you are to the company, you even refused to share their private information even though you got mistreated, that's a good employee for you, you are one of the hard to find people "

Sandy finally looked convinced.
"Do you think I may be of much to use to you?"
"Don't you worry, you are the most important key to the whole research, maybe we may uncover a skeleton or two in the hidden closet ".

Boo hoo hoo, anyways I surprisingly found time, so I made it worth while.Like I said expect nothing but the best, it may lack a thing or two but it's definitely worth the follow up.Please like and comment 🔥🔥

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