Chapter 2: Pretty distraction

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Faint classic music
Cool air from the conditioner was now a bit much to Kenzie  as she had been walking around for some time and did not have a jacket on.
She  was still trying to pick outfits, none other than dark and gloomy, which by the way she didn't agree with Tyson about her sense of fashion.
Some ..well most of her clothes were  black but that did not mean they were  dark.
Another thing she had been noticing one of the staff from the shop busy glancing at her and following her slowly by acting like she's attending customers.
Speaking of which , she was now near a  rack of clothes , close by, busy 'organizing', perfectly folded and stacked clothes.
Kenzie couldn't anymore so she randomly picked a white flowered dress and went into the dressing room.
As she walked away she noticed the girl was also moving.She smiled to herself and remembered how she carried  some sweet treats for people like her even though her brother had said it's safe at the mall, as they won't know she's there .Yeah the word safe had been a fading word, it didn't exist .
Just as she got in the dressing room, she put the dress by the side and found her way to the ceiling.Her dagger was by her hip, ready to attack.
She felt the girl 's footsteps , getting closer to the dressing room and waited silently like a predator preying on it's meat.
Surprisingly the girl didn't enter , she stood by the door as if keeping guard.Kenzie was surprised, if she was an enemy, .. or was sent by her brother to keep watch ,,but he knew very well, she could perfectly take care of herself....was it because he thought she took no weapon, well that made a bit of sense.Besides,,a  totally planned scheme like this wasn't suspicious to her as the girl had pink hair and cute and was likely be mistaken for innocent and clueless.She was smiling all the time and glancing at Kenzie but that made Kenzie suspicious.Seems like her brother wasn't that smooth with his protection  plan after all.But that made her angry thinking about being babysitted by this person who Tyson thought could do a better job in fighting whoever will try to harm her , that was just funny, without weapons, she would do a better job at killing her enemies than the  Miss pretty girl.
Though Kenzie was relieved about the girl situation as she also didn't want to attract attention by having a dead corpse in the dressing room, there probably had a camera around, she couldn't see it herself but made sure to get rid of it before coming out.
After minutes of looking for a camera, Kenzie destroyed and already she was fuming  with anger and annoyance.She didn't enjoy this shopping anymore,she never did and now she wanted to confront Tyson even more.
She left the dressing room and started making her way out of the store.She didn't see the girl outside or anywhere, that gave her time to escape.But then she spotted the girl by the reception, she was on the phone.She spotted Kenzie and waved her way.Kenzie didn't want to talk and didn't want to spend any minute in this place.As she saw Kenzie walking towards the door, she swiftly moved to the door .This proved Kenzie right that she wasn't just a helpless girl, she was skilled.
Kenzie gave her a awkward smile and it quickly faded away, "How can I help you?"
"Oh , I should be asking that question, you have been in our store for hours , and suddenly come out without any thing, not even a shoe, I know our prices are a  bit sky high but.... you don't look like the type who can't afford this".
Kenzie couldn't believe it , she was now going to  be Forced to buy something, wasn't she a little bit arrogant now.
"I don't understand how me not buying something has anything to do with you, I doubt my purchase has  any difference in your salary, whether I buy to not , you will still get paid by month-end, is that correct?"
"Uhm yes but..."
"No buts, I  am leaving "
She stood in a fighting posture and looked at Kenzie.
" I guess I will need to use force to make you buy".
Kenzie scoffed, she didn't even want to think about the idea of fighting this girl, it wasn't a fair match.
"It will be good for you if you move, you don't want to be in the wrong side of me".
"I know I am not skilled as you in martial arts, but I may be more smarter,  how would you like it if  I were to call security and have you searched right now.... what do you think they will say when they find a weapon  on you ".
Kenzie slightly frowned, how did she know she was carrying a weapon, well it was   obvious her brother might have  known but if he knew why send a bodyguard then, was it the same reason she also was relieved about in the dressing room, that it wasn't going to be good if she spilled blood in a public place.
She sighed and looked at the girl , she wasn't up for debate.
"Fine, but there's nothing in this fancy for nothing store that matches my taste,so..".
"Oh don't worry about that, follow me".
Kenzie rolled her eyes and just followed her , if it wasn't for the fact that her brother sent her, she would have cut her talkative tongue already for cutting her off while talking.


After two full  hours of fitting and changing, Kenzie was finally done with the stupid shopping.She didn't want to admit but the clothes Sandy , turns out that was the pretty girl's name , picked out for Kenzie were all perfect, she liked them all and thought it was worth her long time here but ofcourse she wasn't going to admit that to anyone, especially Sandy or Tyson.
Speaking of which, it was now around 5, she hadn't contacted him, he was going to go crazy when she gets home, so she thought of calling him.
As she searched for his contact, Sandy came back in the store with some bags.
They looked greasy and it was clear it was food.She walked towards Kenzie smiling, and showed her the bags, " What do you say about having dinner now huh?"
Kenzie looked at the food then Sandy and repeat, she wasn't going to be busy with greasy food, wasting her precious time,...on the other hand, she had to thank Sandy , she did a great job in her mission and also for the clothes which Kenzie was never going to admit for.
"First of all, I don't like greasy , unhealthy food , second you  are still working, so I must wait for you until your shift ends... you are insane ."
"Well , yes I want you to wait for me, I mean my shift is ending at six so yeah you won't have to mind that much"
Kenzie checked her watch and looked at Sandy, it was now half past 5, few 30 minutes won't be that much of a problem, she could wait.
"Fine I will wait but after this I am gone, also where will I be waiting".
"No problem, let me show you where to wait".

After getting convinced, Kenzie ended up eating the food, but she won't say it was  Sandy's pursuit that paid off, but the food itself , it got her mouth watering.After the quick dinner, Kenzie dropped off Sandy at her  apartment and started heading home.She was already making up stories to balance out the reason she was  late.She had left for shopping at 8 in the morning and it was now almost 8 in the evening, there had to be some serious excuse to bail her out.
She looked back at the back of the car and thought about all the clothes she had bought  , would that be enough to convince her brother.Her head  was already buzzing so she sped up and drove like a maniac, she was.
As she arrived at the parking, she had trouble with the clothes, and took about minutes , to arrange everything so that it would be easier to carry, after the success she started her walk to the house.
It was quiet as always but today and sounded more quiet, maybe they could be sleeping but the lights in the study was on.
She tried many attempts to twist the knob , it was slippery, and the bags were blocking her view , she finally managed and got in , shutting the door with her foot.

"Mike!!Mike!!, come help me child !",  there wasn't any response, Kenzie dropped the bags on the floor and was about to shout out , but something else got her attention.

Happy premier day to my book, anyways this chapter is a a bit
longer but why not it's the D-Day , hope you guys like it, please support me guys, I love you all.🥳🥳what do all think of Sandy, drop your comment in the comment section.

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