"Do you realize what you have done!"


"The king is already an individual with powers that already surpass the Herrscher! And you came along and steal one of the most important people to the organization he's in!"

"...I am aware of that."

In the Anti-Entropy base. Tesla was seen yelling at Cocolia while Einstein is staring at the locked up Mei.

"Oi! Mophead! What are we supposed to do when the king come barges in and proceed to destroy everything?!" Tesla yelled At Einstein but the woman was busy staring at Mei.

"It's true that the king will come after us but he won't be hunting us. I suspect the king anger will be directed to the one who kidnaps Raiden Mei." Einstein said before looking at Cocolia.

"In summary he's after Cocolia then?" Tesla asked as Einstein nods.

"From what we've learned from Bronya the king isn't interested with someone who isn't the one who wronged him. It's likely he's only after Cocolia." Einstein theorized as she stared at Cocolia.

"Then I'm going to do this fast." Cocolia left the room with Einstein staring at her before looking back at Tesla.

"We're doomed aren't we?"

"Pretty much."

With Masamune

Masamune stared into the night sky alone while his belt is on his waist. The plan Himeko and Theresa devised was already in motion.

Masamune saw the Anti Entropy building and quickly hid from any mechs. Masamune then decided to transform now rather then later which would cause less noise.



Ohma Zi-O stood in Masamune place the transformation process being skipped and he was already in his armor.

Ohma Zi-O went invisible and floats towards the building like a ghost. Phasing through the wall Ohma Zi-O was now inside. Looking up he floats up and phase through the ceiling. The king then spotted a girl with green tinted hair locked up.

"That's Wendy... I'll help her for Bronya sakes."

Ohma Zi-O floats to Wendy cell and phase through it. Making himself visible the girl was shocked when he suddenly appeared.

"Who are you?!"

"There's no need to fear me. I'll help you get out of this place."



Ohma Zi-O kneels to Wendy legs before putting his hand on them and healing them. Wendy felt her legs moving and was shocked.

"And now for the second part."


"Follow him. He will take you into a safe place and Dark Decade you know what to do?" Ohma Zi-O said before opening the cell door.

"Yes my lord. Miss Wendy please follow me." DD waited for Wendy to follow him but she was still getting used to her leg being back. But eventually she got the hang of it as DD walks out with Wendy.

"Thank you."

Wendy gave Ohma Zi-O one last thank you as she followed DD. Ohma Zi-O smiles softly behind his mask and walks out of the cell.

"Any progress on where Mei is located?"

"Kiana is going to her location captain. Just find her and Mei should be there."

The Demon King of TimeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora