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Chapter 1: Start Again

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(Recommended reading: No. 7 Base, No. 13 Minke Street, Divine Seal Throne 2, Haoyue, Empty Martial God Bloodline, Former Peerless First Son-in-law, Strongest Monkey King, Martial Arts Emperor Beyond Time on the Other Side of Deep Space

"Xiaoxiao, Shishi, you sit down, Dad will talk to you about something."

Jiang Laoshi sat at the round table, and Fan Xiuying handed over the box containing tobacco leaves and newspapers.

I also hugged a sewing basket.

Sitting at the table, the soles of the shoes, the cloth shoes on the feet of every household are all made by themselves, and no woman has any time to be idle.

There is a job in hand at all times.

Jiang Xiaoxiao and Jiang Shi sat down at the table.

There are four brothers and sisters in their family, the two sisters Jiang Yue and Jiang Xin above, the elder brother Jiang Shi in the middle, and the youngest daughter Jiang Xiaoxiao at the bottom.

The eldest sister Jiang Yue was the first batch of educated youths who responded to the country's call to go to the countryside and went directly to the Great Northern Wilderness.

The second sister Jiang Xin was not in good health, so she replaced her mother and went to work as a female worker in a textile factory.

Three years ago, he also got married to Qin Dazhuang, a worker in a machinery factory, and both of them are double workers.

Only Jiang Xiaoxiao and Jiang Shishi, the elder brothers, are left in the family.

"Dad, what's the matter? So serious! Why don't I feel good?

Jiang Shi is honest by nature, but he is active and hearty! He's a straight-tempered person.

Such a third brother Jiang Xiaoxiao has not seen it for a long time.

Jiang honestly took the newspaper and gave it to Jiang Shishi, "You will talk nonsense, your mouth is always so frizzy, you tell me, when will you be calmer." Do you see that your sisters are better than you?

In fact, Jiang Laoshi is the same as the name, and he is really honest.

A veritable honest man.

"Dad, it hurts, it hurts! Am I your own child? No wonder everyone is a father and mother who love the old man, I am not your own child, be careful to beat me stupid, I am not as smart as my sister, and I can't even find my daughter-in-law after being stupid, see if you are in a hurry in the future.

While pretending to be confused, he shouted pain, but actually jumped around the round table with his feet.

Jiang is an honest man, and he was happy when he heard this.

"You sit down for Lao Tzu, don't say that you were picked up from the garbage by me and your mother, and your sister is our own, see if I don't kill you little rabbit cub." Dare to talk nonsense, now more and more mouthful.

Pointing to the chair, Jiang Shi sat down honestly.

Surrender with your hands raised.

"Yes, yes, you're so old, I've picked them up, oh mom, mom, what kind of people do you say my biological parents are? Isn't it those big cadres or something, if that's the case, can I get naked, at least it's okay to arrange a job, right?

Mom, did I leave my childhood blanket or something, that's evidence of finding my biological parents.

Jiang Shi fell into an irrepressible fantasy.

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