entry 80

94 4 1

I ram out of chapter names but anyways, I've been hearing taps on my windows. I always also at the park today and saw someone with a white hoodie on the edge woods. I think that it could have been Jeff but you never know, it doesn't make sense for anyone to be in/that close to the woods, there are no trails, people usually don't come there to smoke weed so I doubt it's that, and I just don't know why someone would do that.

  The park is Shady or in a bad place and I have a feeling it was one of them, I also felt watched while walking around the lake there. The foot steps are still happening and I am getting randomly dizzy but I have an ED so idk if the dizziness is related. 👆

  The last thing I've started to notice is that I'm getting random bruises and small cuts, I bruise easily but I haven't done anything that would cause some. >_>

I will update tmr :3 have a good day.

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